Una Rams On New Single Shy, The Crush EP And His Ultimate Dream

Una Rams / 24 / Pop Star

When did Una’s music career begin?

When I was born! I used to call myself Prince and I used to dance with a group of friends back home, it was a cool way to express myself. I made music from about grade 4/5, then in grade 9 I started releasing solo music. Every moment in my life has led up to who I am now.

Your recent drop, ‘Shy’, what’s the song all about?

Shy is a declaration of love, of feelings. It’s the perfect song to play for your crush, a song to tell someone you have feelings for them.

What can fans expect from your EP ‘Crush’?

So Shy was the lead single of off Crush. You can hear a beautiful blend of different genres under the umbrella of Afro Pop, a whole lot of that is going to be delivered on Crush. Crush is going to tell the tale of love, from meeting a person and wanting them to be in your life. There are beautiful bars on there, I’m throwing a lot of TshiVenda in there too and sampling a Venda legend, some collaborations as well. These are songs to add onto the soundtrack of your life, it’s a Sci-Fi rom com.

What does music mean to you?

Music is life, it’s a healing force. It’s therapeutic when I make it, and a bonding experience between friends. Music is a way to address many things and express who I am, it’s a global language. Music is just so much, it’s a force. It is also a platform to explore my dreams, it strengthens the idea that I can make something from nothing.

The most valuable thing you’ve learnt from being a South African artist?

Having patience. We’re still in an emerging market, we have to be aware of the inequalities we face. Kids in the rural places and townships access music differently in comparison to us in the cities. You want to reach out to the widest audience as much as possible, you have to know who is for you. When you’re doing something that is not a traditional genre, I’ve had to teach people about what I’m doing. As South Africans we stick to what we know but we also have a willingness to discover what we love. My brand is growing and it’s a blessing.

Does your upcoming album ‘Boyfriend Material’ have a release date yet?

Unfortunately not yet, I want to be in a different place in my life when I do release it. Still focusing on the single Crush, then I’ll focus on Boyfriend Material. It’s all about how after the honeymoon phase you learn about each other and put in the work. It’s going to explore the good and the bad of love and what relationships can do to people.

What has this year taught you as an artist?

Being able to wear different thinking hats. I’ll have a season of just creating carelessly then there comes a season where one should have a business element to their craft and their art. Seeing where you went wrong and trying to outdo yourself. I like to be still, look at myself and reassess who I am doing this for…me. I use my imagination and play around with cool ideas and collaboration. Music is also a platform for me to explore other avenues such as business prospects and investments I seek to grow. I am a multi-dimensional person who can express themselves in more than one way.

Your ultimate dream is?

To build a city, I feel that as Africans we haven’t built a city. We haven’t placed our identity on a platform like that. I have dreams in the tech space as well.

One artist you’d absolutely love to collaborate with?

I really want to be the guy that can do anything and to work with whoever I want to work with. I am very experimental in my approach. I actually want to be the guy that people want to collaborate with. I keep dreaming bigger and want to conquer many markets.


Follow Una Rams!

Instagram: @unarams

Twitter: @UnaRamsWeirdKid

Facebook: @unarams


-Bridgette Makhela 

Mihlali Ndamase On Content, Influencing And Beauty In The Digital Era

Mihlali Ndamase / 22 / Certified Makeup Artist, Brand Strategist, Beauty Content Curator & Co-Founder of Siyasizana Foundation

Content: What does this word mean to you?

Documenting and sharing what brings fulfillment to you.

In this era of social media, how did you become a Digital Entrepreneur?

As my brand grew, I started to understand it’s value and the value it brought to the brands I collaborated with, that’s when I decided to turn content curating into a business.

You’ve made a big name for yourself within the beauty space through your YouTube channel, has this always been your passion?

Yes it has, I started watching Beauty YouTubers at age of 15. I drew a lot of inspiration from them when I finally decided to start my channel.

What does it mean to you to hold an Influencer label?

Being an Influencer means to have the ability to influence the purchase decision of others because of one’s authority, knowledge, position and relationship with their audience. Being regarded as one is honestly such an honour, especially when you work on such platforms, it benefits your business immensely because brands are then able to trust you with their product.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is different, it honestly depends. Sometimes I wake up, go to the gym, come home and shower and begin filming or shooting content. Other days I have shoots in studio or outdoors, depending on who I am shooting for and what the style of the shoot is, then there are meetings in between. Some days are purely for relaxation and unwinding. I either spend them at home alone, or out with friends or family.

You’re the co-founder of Siyasizana Foundation, what is it all about?

Siyasizana Foundation is a non-profit organisation which was founded by myself and Dineo Nono in 2017. We focus on addressing various needs in society, our projects consist of assisting everyone. We have worked closely with Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra by throwing annual Christmas parties for the children, feeding them and supplying them with uniforms, clothes and blankets for the Winter season. We have also done baby drives (where we supply homes which house abandoned babies with food and clothing), pad drives, Winter clothing drives and book drives. We aim to grow and continue to empower men and women in our community and some day across South Africa.

Congratulations on winning the Cosmopolitan ‘Influencer of the Year Sparkle Award’, some advice to young ladies that look up to you?

Be very persistent in following your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise because your dreams are valid.

Pick one: Travel or Fashion?

Surely picking one should be illegal! I would have to go with travel.

Any exciting projects you’re working on for the rest of 2019?

More Masterclasses are to come, look out for ‘Beauty and The Beat’ in Durban, Cape Town and all over South Africa. I am also working on some exciting products and there is more growth and expansion to come for the Mihlali brand, I can’t give away too much so keep a lookout!


Follow Mihlali!

Instagram: @mihlalii_n

Twitter: @mihlalii_n

Facebook: @MihlaliiNdamase


-Bridgette Makhela

Ginger Trill On Music, Relevance And Always Staying Focused

Tshegofatso Seroalo aka Ginger Trill / 30 / Musician

The Ginger Trill story, where did it all begin?

The Ginger Trill story began long ago, probably back in Potchefstroom before I was called Trill. My friends and I had been making music and cutting demos since high school. I always knew I loved music but it wasn’t until I turned 22 that I knew that I wanted pursue a career in music. 

The come up and remaining relevant, what are your thoughts?

My come up was different and I think no two come-ups are the same really, I’m from the school of the hard knocks. So many failures, mistakes and lessons that helped me grow, not only as an artist, but as a person as well. Seven years since I released my debut album and I’ve learned that relevance is almost like having a “buzz”…it’s all about what you do with the traction you gain.

South African Hip-Hop is hella right now, agree? What are your reasons?

Agreed, the local Hip-Hop scene is lit right now. I think the cycle before this generation had a lot to do with the shift, we’ve never had a scene so full of young independent artists making so much bank off of Rap music, EVER! Thanks to the arrival of prodigies like Nasty C & A-Reece, the industry is opening up.

As an artist that expresses themselves through words and beats, where do you plug in inspiration from?

I draw my inspiration from the music I bump into mostly, and the things I read, the conversations I have, even the shows I watch on TV or on the net, anything that stimulates my mind really. 

How would you describe your music in one word?


Any new material you’re yet to release this year?

Finishing my work on “Tales of the High & Mighty”, a joint tape with myself and Top Goggs from Dizzy Monks. 

Have a favourite track to date that you’ve released?

Too many to mention, and I think they switch every season or year, but right now? I’d say #Money is my favourite song by myself, that record is HARD. 

The plan is to never give up right? What keeps you focused and going?

What keeps me going is purpose, and my family, they are the people I draw my strength and motivation from and of course, my Lord and Saviour.

Where can fans keep in touch with you?  

Fans can catch me on social media.

Instagram: @Ginger_Trill Twitter: @Ginger_Trill Facebook: @Gingertrilly and for music www.gingertrill.com 


Bridgette Makhela