Thato Molamu On Shifting From The Screen To Business Ventures And More

Sehume Thato Molamu / 35 / CEO & Founder of Gateway Media, Social Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Marketing Brand Strategist, Film Director and Media Personality.

You’ve made a solid name for yourself, how has your journey been like?

Like most things in life, the journey has had its ups and downs. I was fortunate enough to have had a long and successful career in South Africa’s film, and television industry and too have been taught and mentored by some of the country’s best. I will always be grateful for the opportunities given to me and I look forward to the next phase of the journey.

Why the break from the screen to pursue business?

It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.  I made the decision after seeing the rapid growth of Gateway Media, which has in a short period, really made waves in the industry. So I think its only right that I step away from acting for while to give it my full attention. Also, while I’ve loved my time in front of camera lens,  I believe I can have a greater impact behind the scenes.  There’s so much more I can offer the industry and the African continent, and stepping away for a while will give me the space and time needed to really make a difference.

What’s the sole purpose of Gateway Media?

Quite simply, our core purpose is to tell authentic African stories and to help grow and develop Africa’s future storytellers. Through our flagship township-based Film & Digital Academy (LiMA), we help our clients tell original stories that resonate with audiences and inspire brand confidence. We believe that the world is ready for authentic African stories, and we’re developing the content creators that can tell them.

What’s your take on digital content creation in South Africa?

As you well know, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is well upon us. Digital content creation is where the world has been heading to for the last decade or so, and unfortunately, we’re still playing catch up to some of our counterparts. That said, the potential that exists within South Africa is immense. We have the talent and local expertise to become global players if we really work together and build an industry that up skills and supports our youth. That’s what Gateway Media is all about, giving access to those that traditionally, would have been excluded from participating in the digital revolution.

The pandemic has shifted the focus heavily on content, what ideas have you been sharing for engagement?

We were privileged enough to have had already launched Conrad TV prior to the pandemic. Conrad TV is a conversational radio-television platform that intuitively exploits the best of both worlds by integrating radio and television into a simultaneous, single audio-visual offering. The platform is doing well, and we expect to see more uptake in the viewer and listenership numbers in the coming months. Additionally, we’re prioritizing the development of original content that can live on various platforms, such as online shows, documentaries and TV series’. We quite excited about the future, watch this space!

What is the Thato Molamu Foundation all about?

The Thato Molamu Foundation is a non-profit organisation that I founded in 2012, with the goal of having a measurable impact in the lives of under-resourced South Africans through healthcare, education and creative industries. The foundation aims to transform the mindsets of people by unlocking the hidden talents and potential of youth through film, animation, gaming, coding and art and entrepreneurship capacity building programs within creative industries.

You also head up Leaders in Motion Academy, in what ways is it a first of its own?

The Leaders in Motion Academy (LiMA) is one of South Africa’s first digital creative skills academies and production hubs based in the township of Eersterust in Tshwane. Our mission is to normalize access to digital creative (technical) and business skills for township-based creative entrepreneurs and to connect them to markets in Africa and beyond.

How has the balance between acting and business blended into your lifestyle?

Acting will always have a space in my heart and my years of acting in theatre, television and working on radio nurtured my love for storytelling. It also introduced the world to Thato Molamu, for which I will always be eternally grateful. With this business venture, I am pioneering a new wave of digital marketing and content creation, one in which African storytellers will have a seat at the table and a stake in the game.

Where can people follow all your business ventures?

We are available on our website at, and people can connect with us on LinkedIn at Gateway Media ZA. For more work we do at LiMA, you can visit our website and our YouTube channel Lim Academy (don’t forget to subscribe).

Follow Thato Molamu!

Instagram: @thatomolamu

Twitter: @ThatoMolamu

Facebook: @ThMolamu


-Bridgette Makhela

Conté Creatives: Creative Content Producing Company

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Conté Magazine seems like a really cool source of creative information, what is it all about?

The Conté creative portfolio is aimed at creative African individuals such as illustrators; fine artists; graphic designers; animators; architects; interior designers; poets; photographers and fashion designers. These creatives are given the opportunity to be featured in both digital and print spheres (Conté Digital and Conté Magazine).

Conté Digital is released monthly online, enabling artists to expand their reach to the international markets; those same artists are then allowed to fully exhibit their work in a themed print edition of the Conté Magazine.

Conté Magazine is a Quarterly Creative book that is accompanied by an exhibition event, where all the featured artists get the chance to have their work exhibited. Twice a year, creatives have a platform to have their work displayed and fully exhibited. This is the ultimate Conté vision.

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How and when was Conté Magazine founded?

Conté Magazine is a company started under our holding company Conté Creatives. The agency, which was founded on the 6th of November 2014. The first magazine was released on the 7th of May 2015.

We previously worked at a Transmedia company situated in Auckland Park, and towards the end of our contract, instead of having it renewed, we chose to look for work spaces that would enable us to start our own projects. We found a place called JoziHub, a tech based Hub at 44 Stanley Avenue. This was the beginning of all our Conté adventures.

Is there a specific market you are aiming for/at?

Our Market is extremely vast. When we started our target with creatives all across the board. Weirdly enough, after the release of our 2nd Issue, we realized that our market had changed. We were attracting more businesses, corporate individuals, art buyers and investors. With each issue we learn that our target keeps changing rapidly, which isn’t bad at all. As long as we bring more awareness to creatives all over Africa.

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 What does the content you produce seek to fulfill?

The content we produce is aimed at driving collaboration among artists in order to turn the arts into a force to be reckoned with. We started a vision that would revolutionize the way people think of the creative industry internationally. It is more than just a creative portfolio, it allows the reader to be involved in the creative process, to make the transition from consumer and viewer to creator and enthusiast. We are all about changing the way we work together.

Your upcoming event in June, do elaborate as to what can be expected by attendees?

Each of our events bring a different element each time. Our magazines are themed each issue, and based on the theme, our events take on elements of that theme. This upcoming event, sponsored by the University of Johannesburg, will be based on the current theme “RAW” and the other exciting thing about this event is that it will be around the week of June 16 and we are trying to celebrate the creative students.

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 What can readers expect in the next issue to be released?

This next issue is going to bring on a different aspect of things we see on a daily basis. This “RAW” issue is living up to it’s name…everything is going to be Raw, uncensored, unscripted. Whatever comes to your mind…we will be showing that off to the world…and the lovely thing about this issue, is that it is off to New York in July.

How was the feedback from your previous event, the Revolution issue launch?

Every launch we’ve had, has brought about more interest, more excitement, and more sponsors. And the Revolution issue was no different. We have received nothing but POSITIVE feedback throughout.

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As a South African creative content producing company, what does a day in the office look like?

A day at the office is always exciting…we are all very busy, but the busyness isn’t overwhelming because we all get to do what we ABSOLUTELY love doing. We are all a fun bunch, so coming to work is always entertaining.

What is the way forward for Conté Magazine for the years to come?

Moving forward, Conté’s mission is to expand its leadership role in the creative market, using groundbreaking creative solutions and also expanding creative collaboration by using it’s publications. There is a lot to look forward to because more than anything we want to be the international voice for African Creatives and whatever we can do to make sure we are that, we will most definitely do.

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Follow Conté Magazine!

Instagram: @contemagazine

Twitter: @ConteMagazine

Facebook: Conté Magazine


Bridgette Makhela