Pamela Mtanga On Content Creation And Building A Lasting Brand

Pamela Mtanga / 26 / Multimedia Entrepreneur

Pamela in one sentence?

A multitalented girl from Port Elizabeth with an inevitably successful journey awaiting her.

               You label yourself a ‘Fashionable Multimedia Entrepreneur’, what does the title entail?

Stylishly infiltrating the stage, Television, social media and soon, radio.

What is your take on 2022 content creation in South Africa?

It is my favourite era! Landing up on a Television show that you used to watch when you were a child or seeing yourself on TV after creating social media videos warms my heart, especially seeing it happen for many creators. The unemployment rate is at an all-time high and I commend those who keep creating until they get a breakthrough, because seeking employment for long periods is heart wrenching. Over and above this, I am appreciating the amount of effort that creators are putting into their work. Content creation has been around long enough for us to actually start reinventing and finding new ways to market ourselves to our followers.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I would like to know myself! You wake up with plans to do nothing but exercise and run errands, then end up sleeping at 2AM due to a last minute client brief that needs to be out the next day, all this whilst packing to prepare to be in another city, so you sleep for an hour then tackle the next day, which could be filled with admin work and preparation for MCing at an event.

I am however taking a break from content creation for a bit so I can get back to having a strict routine like exercise, family time, coffee breaks and a balanced content schedule. I am also in the process of making structural changes to my team so I can have a helping hand to elevate the work off of my shoulders and deliver my best to client. 

Let’s talk Fashion, favourite designer/s? 

I am at a stage in my life where I am starting to take interest in designer items and anticipating what will bet first designer item. I recently wore a dress designed by Ryan Keys and that is easily the most expensive dress I have ever worn. The quality is immaculate and so was the service. I am a fan of MaXhosa as well. Internationally, Giuseppe Zanotti, Chanel and Carolina Herrera are sensational. 

What would you still like to add to your titles?

I would love to go back to radio, I believe the opportunity is yet to come.

Name a campaign you’ve absolutely loved working with to date?

It changes every month, I would say Adidas, Nedbank and Nivea have a special place in my heart. I am now working on a campaign with MiWay Blink which is completely different to what I normally create, yet I’m enjoying it. 

Behind the scenes, what do your followers not know about the process?

I think my followers are starting to get a glimpse of what happens in the background because I share as much as I can. My team and I create beautiful content pieces that come out perfectly but I try my best to share the “not-so-perfect” parts through my live videos or stories. This helps people understand the immense amount of work that goes into it, simultaneously helping other creators create realistic expectations for their work and less pressure.  

Create a lasting brand, what does that look like to you?

Creating a lasting brand speaks to a lot of things. Talent is the foundation but hard work, respect for your craft and clients, constantly reinventing yourself to adapt to changes within your industry and strategically placing your brand in relevant spaces keeps you versatile and relevant. 

Follow Pamela!

Instagram: @pamela_mtanga

Twitter: @pamela_mtanga

Facebook: @pamelamtnagasa

-Bridgette Makhela

Shudufhadzo Musida On Miss South Africa Title And 2020 Becoming A Dream Come True

Shudufhadzo Abigail Musida / 24 / Miss South Africa 2020

Obvious first question…how does it feel to be Miss South Africa 2020?

It feels amazing and surreal, I have to pinch myself sometimes. It’s also been so busy as well. It usually hits me at night when I head to bed. It’s still hitting me in small doses.

How was your upbringing like?

It was a good upbringing, I was in a free and safe space where I could always be myself.

When did you decide to try out for the pageant?

I decided last year for the first time. Before I didn’t think I could enter such a pageant, I thought you had to look a certain way but I realised things were changing.

What kept you going through all the weeks leading up to the main event?

Knowing that I would make a really good Miss South Africa, I could make a change and do really well at being an ambassador of the country. I’ve always wanted to impact people’s lives and live a life of service.

One cool thing South Africans don’t know about you …yet?

I’ve always wanted to be a singer and entertainer.

Mental Health is a strong focus of yours, what’s your take on the youth of today and how they tackle this serious issue?

I read somewhere that suicide is currently the leading cause of death between ages 15-29 and in South Africa, 1 in 10 people are expected to suffer from mental health in their lifetime but only I in those 10 people will have access to mental healthcare. It is an important issue globally and when people are not okay, they don’t know that it’s okay to not be okay. It is still considered a taboo issue around the world, and no one equips the youth and we end up having a high suicide rate.

Your absolute favourite moment of the Miss South Africa journey before your crowning?

In Cape Town sitting at the dinner table and hearing some of the ladies telling us about their adventures in New York. I remember memorising everyone’s name on the table that night. I have never been that happy in my life.

What’s your advice to other young ladies in pursuit of the crown?

Your dreams are valid, you can do it if you put your mind to it. Many stereotypes and narratives have been changed. It’s your time!

Follow Shudufhadzo!

Instagram: @shudufhadzomusida

Twitter: @abigailmusida

Facebook: @ShudufhadzoMusida

-Bridgette Makhela