Christopher Jaftha On The Industry, Juggling His Titles And Some Wise Words


Christopher David Joshua Jaftha / 32 / Actor / Presenter / Model

How and when did your journey into the entertainment industry begin?

In 2000 when I left school. I did voluntary work for three years, we raised money for HIV and AIDS orphanages through industrial theater.

You carry so many titles, how do you find the time to juggle all your jobs?

It’s not easy but it’s a good problem to have. I try and prioritize and get as much done as possible, so I am able to free myself for the next opportunity.


How does a typical day in your life go?

Pray, eat, gym, work, eat, work, eat, work.

Do you attend all the events you get invited to?

I don’t attend all events I get invited to. I simply don’t have all that time. I’ll go if I have committed and work doesn’t get in the way.

How do you distress?

I go to the cinema on my own, take drives on my own, chill on my own.


What has the industry taught you?

Spread your wings as far and as wide as possible, you need to be versatile, be a jack of all trades and master of some.

Anything you would change about your journey so far?

I would’ve started investing in property at a much younger age, and probably studied Drama instead of Fine Art.

Would you spill the beans on any exciting projects coming up for you?

I have a cameo in a feature film to be released next year.


Some wise words to live by?

“You are what you repeatedly do, excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~Aristotle

Follow Christopher!

Instagram: @chrisjaftha

Twitter: @chrisjaftha

Facebook: Christopher Jaftha

Bridgette Makhela

Kyle Deutsch On Music, Collaborations And The Industry That Idols Exposed Him To


Kyle Colin Deutschmann / Doctor / Chiropractor / Artist

Did you ever think you’d end up in the music industry?

To be honest, I never thought I’d be in the music industry to the extent that I am in now. I always thought a little talent would get me in, but not to this extreme. I guess sometimes we underestimate ourselves. It wasn’t until about three years ago that I started recording my music, this happened after injuries prevented me from continuing my football career professionally, I then decided to continue with a Chiropractic/Health business and the Music.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

The first thing I do when I wake up definitely has to be, checking my phone. Mainly for the time but then to go through anything I may have missed whilst sleeping.


Your latest offering, ‘Can’t Get Enough’, in a nutshell is about what?

Can’t Get Enough is a song that describes a feeling of desire and passion, created by a moment that you are infatuated with. A moment that blocks out the world and feelings that surround you. Its your muse.

What did your journey on Idols do for the musician that you are today?

Idols was a show that taught me a lot about the local music industry, introduced me to people in the industry and exposed my brand to the country. It taught me to be more comfortable on stage and in front of a crowd. It taught me to believe in myself and that I had/have what it takes to make it in the industry.


How do you balance out work and play?

This is a tough question because in this industry the two overlap very often. These days I prioritize my spare time for family and loved ones. The rest of the time is work.

If you could change one thing about your journey so far, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing thus far, I’ve been very happy with the journey thus far.

Can fans look forward to future Kyle and Shekhinah collaborations?



Is there any special significant other in your life at the moment?

There is indeed.

What makes you happy?

I love good company, witty conversations, music, and good food.

Your most memorable moment in the industry so far?

In the brief year and a half that we’ve been releasing music the moments keep getting better and better. From Back To The Beach going gold, to performing to over twenty thousand people at MTN BushFire Festival and Joburg Day. No one can explain the feeling of having that many people singing along to your own music.


Follow Kyle!

Instagram: @kyle_deutsch

Twitter: @kyle_deutsch

Facebook: Kyle Deutsch


Bridgette Makhela