Shudufhadzo Musida On Miss South Africa Title And 2020 Becoming A Dream Come True

Shudufhadzo Abigail Musida / 24 / Miss South Africa 2020

Obvious first question…how does it feel to be Miss South Africa 2020?

It feels amazing and surreal, I have to pinch myself sometimes. It’s also been so busy as well. It usually hits me at night when I head to bed. It’s still hitting me in small doses.

How was your upbringing like?

It was a good upbringing, I was in a free and safe space where I could always be myself.

When did you decide to try out for the pageant?

I decided last year for the first time. Before I didn’t think I could enter such a pageant, I thought you had to look a certain way but I realised things were changing.

What kept you going through all the weeks leading up to the main event?

Knowing that I would make a really good Miss South Africa, I could make a change and do really well at being an ambassador of the country. I’ve always wanted to impact people’s lives and live a life of service.

One cool thing South Africans don’t know about you …yet?

I’ve always wanted to be a singer and entertainer.

Mental Health is a strong focus of yours, what’s your take on the youth of today and how they tackle this serious issue?

I read somewhere that suicide is currently the leading cause of death between ages 15-29 and in South Africa, 1 in 10 people are expected to suffer from mental health in their lifetime but only I in those 10 people will have access to mental healthcare. It is an important issue globally and when people are not okay, they don’t know that it’s okay to not be okay. It is still considered a taboo issue around the world, and no one equips the youth and we end up having a high suicide rate.

Your absolute favourite moment of the Miss South Africa journey before your crowning?

In Cape Town sitting at the dinner table and hearing some of the ladies telling us about their adventures in New York. I remember memorising everyone’s name on the table that night. I have never been that happy in my life.

What’s your advice to other young ladies in pursuit of the crown?

Your dreams are valid, you can do it if you put your mind to it. Many stereotypes and narratives have been changed. It’s your time!

Follow Shudufhadzo!

Instagram: @shudufhadzomusida

Twitter: @abigailmusida

Facebook: @ShudufhadzoMusida

-Bridgette Makhela

Tresor On New Single, Creating Music And Nostalgia Album

Mukengerwa Tresor Riziki / Singer, Songwriter, Producer & Entrepreneur

You just released Thrill last month, what inspired the title?

The title was inspired by the incredible feeling of excitement and joy I get from living my dreams out loud and the amazing people I am blessed to be surrounded by.

You visited New York pre-lock down, what was the experience like?

The experience was really tense, the city was not alive and crazy like everyone knows New York. I was actually on my way to Los Angeles to record for a week and had to make a fast U-turn when the world started to shut down, luckily made it back home on time for lock down. That was a very hard decision because the trip was planned months prior, but it was the best choice we made.

Nostalgia made waves in the music industry, are you working on any new projects?

Yes, Nostalgia is such a special project that I am very proud of. I am working on a few amazing projects and will be announcing someone exciting news in the next two months.

How are you staying focused on your work during the lock down?

I am making sure I keep to my everyday routine, like it was before the Covid-19 madness. I wake up, exercise in the garden then hit my office for admin and stay up until late writing and producing songs in my studio at home. Sometimes it’s 18 working hours or even 24 working hours, so the rhythm hasn’t really changed. The creativity is keeping me sane. Also, it’s a super inspiring time creatively.

What does music mean to you?

Music is pretty much the essence of my being and core of my purpose.

How do you find the process of creating music?

The process of making music is a great spiritual journey. It’s uplifting, healing and a joy fountain.

Your story is an inspiring one, what keeps you grounded and focused?

My journey and where I come from keep me focused on the bigger vision and grounded to stay in touch with my core and values.

Do you have a favourite song from your catalogue so far?

This is a very hard one, my catalogue is growing and to be honest I don’t think I have written my favourite song yet. Things change as time goes by and the music keeps coming. For now I am enjoying ‘Thrill’.

Any hidden talent/s your fans may not know about?

I think I am a decent cook.

How do you plan on making a lasting legacy?

I plan on reviving glory days of African Pop music globally and uplift the next generation of African leaders in our youth.

Follow Tresor!

Instagram: @tresorofficial

Twitter: @tresoroffcial

Facebook: @tresor.official1


-Bridgette Makhela


Doowap & Tarryn On New Single Thunda Thighs, Collaborations And Performing

Khetsiwe “Doowap” Morgan / 30 / Live Mix DJ & Performer

Tarryn “TNT” Alberts / 29 / Artist, Dancer & Business Owner

You guys recently released a banger of an Amapiano song called ‘Thunda Thighs’, how did the concept come about?

Tarryn and I had been listening to a lot of Amapiano in 2019 and we started creating choreography routines to some of the tracks to perform during my DJ sets. Then end of 2019, Tarryn had the hook “Mmmm aaaahhh mmmm aaahhhh Thunda Thunda” stuck in her head and around that time we had just met the young producer DJ Nel (now going by the name DJ Nelcee) at one of our shows in Limpopo. I spoke to Nel and got him to send through some of his beats for us to vibe to. We both fell in love with the power and energy of the Thunda Thighs beat and we made the song that same day, all that was left was for it to be mixed and mastered.

How and when did you two start collaborating?

I have always admired Tarryn as a dancer, already back in 2014. Then in 2017 I asked her to help me out with creating a show and adding dance as a new element. Our first ever gig performing together was at Budweiser’s first show in South Africa. We then did Afropunk Jozi and Afropunk Brooklyn, New York together. The transition to making music together was a natural and gradual progression.

Music and Dance are what you guys represent on another level, what do you think the South African industry has done right when it comes to these two entities?

Music and dance is in South Africans’/Africans’ blood. We dance and sing when we happy or sad. There’s always been spaces and platforms for both crafts to shine. I will say though that dancers are not treated with the respect they deserve. The amount of hours they put in to help bring an artist’s show to life is immense. They are often overlooked in terms of budget and attention deserved, but still they deliver over and above to bring a show to life. We need more community centres in underdeveloped areas to give children and young adults an alternative to the harsh circumstances they grow up in. Tarryn started a dance centre called “So Dope”, where she teaches classes and is grooming the next generation of dancers. Hopefully we can have more mentors, leaders and spaces created to nurture and cultivate young talented individuals in all forms of artistry.

Where do you guys keep getting inspiration from?

We are both super inspired and motivated by our country and the driven youth that inhibit it. Connecting with young artists at all ours shows, spending time with like-minded creatives in Braamfontein and each city we visit sparks us and ignites our fire. Travelling is always the biggest inspiration, hopping on a plane and landing in a completely different country with their own culture and views is always a refreshing mind shift and opportunity to learn and engage with other parts of ourselves.

Travel is a major part of your lives, how do you plan your schedules around this?

The traveling is part of the work, I try and organize gigs at the places I would like to visit. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to get opportunities that fly us out of the country and give us time to explore it. Tarryn was fortunate enough to do multiple world tours with a well known group.

Once the lockdown’s done, where can fans look forward to seeing your performances?

Wow the future of music is so uncertain. We are not really thinking about shows at the moment as they keep getting cancelled, the main focus is to keep making music and to keep creating. We are also figuring out new and interesting ways of making money in this industry during this weird climate. If you would like to catch us doing our thing and shining then for now it seems it’s going to have to be virtually through Lives and social media.

Any music video for Thunda Thighs in the pipeline?

We would love a video for Thunda Thighs and have the treatment mapped out but the lockdown has put everything on hold. Hopefully something will come out soon.

The one thing you always do before a performance?

We always do warm ups, some abs and core workout, run through the choreography and stretch. The main thing is to loosen up and get our energy levels up.

Any exciting projects still to come from you two?

At the moment we are just focused on making the music video, keeping fit and finding the direction we want the music to go. We are grateful to have this chance to work on ourselves without the pressure of the outside world at the moment.

Advice for aspiring young females that look up to you?

Advice is do whatever you have to do to keep your star shining. Even if it means sometimes you have to be selfish with your time and the people you want to be around. Work on your passion daily, even on the days you are feeling off, just keep moving forward.

Follow Doowap & Tarryn!

Instagram: @djdoowap / @tarryn_tnt

Twitter: @DJ_Doowap

Facebook: @DjDoowap / @tarryntnt


-Bridgette Makhela 

Nandipha Mqoco On Digital Entrepreneurship, MC’ing And Her Love For Fashion

Nandipha Mqoco / 24 / Digital Entrepreneur, Master of Ceremonies & Fashion Enthusiast

School Them: What’s a Digital Entrepreneur?

Someone who starts a business in the digital space. In my case it would be by means of content creation and endorsing products on my social media platforms.

Content Creation: What’s the process followers don’t know about?

A lot of planning and strategizing. Most of the content you see is curated but that process is where it gets fun, well most of the time.

New Year: What would you love to achieve in 2020?

Solidify existing brand relationships. Getting the opportunity to travel more for work as an MC and a Content Creator, collaborating with more international brands too. Being well on my way to achieving full financial independence.

Rewind: How did you get into the Digital and MC’ing space?

My digital career just happened to me. It definitely wasn’t intentional at all. I would post my outfits, places I would go to on my Instagram. My sisters and I would have impromptu shoots with street fashion photographers. In addition to that, my sister Yoliswa who had a bigger following, would also post me on her Instagram. Thereafter, my audience grew and brands started to take notice and the rest was history! My MC career was definitely intentional. I always had a passion for public speaking so it only made sense to turn my passion into a profit.

Fun Fact: Your sisters Yoliswa and Thobeka are also in the Social Media Influencer game, was this always the plan?

Not at all, we were just living our lives and sharing our love for fashion, beauty and lifestyle then BOOM!

Threads: You’re a very stylish girl, where’s the inspiration from?

Thank you so much! My relationship with fashion is VERY personal. I was surrounded by extremely stylish women (my mother and sisters) all my life. I would watch fashion TV all day, everyday. I drive my inspiration from many places. Thank God for the internet because it exposed me to amazing fashion from all across the globe, seeing how people interpret different styles and trends. London, Amsterdam, New York, Beijing, even good ol’ Cape Town right here in Mzansi. I really enjoy how the people dress there.

Brag a Bit: Biggest bag/s you’ve secured so far?

Revlon and Clinique have been the biggest bags for me.

Mzansi: Where do you enjoy spending your free time?

Get on a plane and fly to CAPE TOWN. For many reasons – my sister lives there, the food is amazing, the scenery is breathtaking. There’s just so much to do there! But if that isn’t possible then watching series, movies and documentaries in another favourite place of mine…MY BED, is a close second.

Wisdom: Some advice on how to stay relevant in the digital era?


Follow Back: Where can new fans catch you on all platforms?

Instagram: nandipha_mqoco / Twitter: @nan_deep / Facebook: Nandipha


Bridgette Makhela

Conté Creatives: Creative Content Producing Company

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Conté Magazine seems like a really cool source of creative information, what is it all about?

The Conté creative portfolio is aimed at creative African individuals such as illustrators; fine artists; graphic designers; animators; architects; interior designers; poets; photographers and fashion designers. These creatives are given the opportunity to be featured in both digital and print spheres (Conté Digital and Conté Magazine).

Conté Digital is released monthly online, enabling artists to expand their reach to the international markets; those same artists are then allowed to fully exhibit their work in a themed print edition of the Conté Magazine.

Conté Magazine is a Quarterly Creative book that is accompanied by an exhibition event, where all the featured artists get the chance to have their work exhibited. Twice a year, creatives have a platform to have their work displayed and fully exhibited. This is the ultimate Conté vision.

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How and when was Conté Magazine founded?

Conté Magazine is a company started under our holding company Conté Creatives. The agency, which was founded on the 6th of November 2014. The first magazine was released on the 7th of May 2015.

We previously worked at a Transmedia company situated in Auckland Park, and towards the end of our contract, instead of having it renewed, we chose to look for work spaces that would enable us to start our own projects. We found a place called JoziHub, a tech based Hub at 44 Stanley Avenue. This was the beginning of all our Conté adventures.

Is there a specific market you are aiming for/at?

Our Market is extremely vast. When we started our target with creatives all across the board. Weirdly enough, after the release of our 2nd Issue, we realized that our market had changed. We were attracting more businesses, corporate individuals, art buyers and investors. With each issue we learn that our target keeps changing rapidly, which isn’t bad at all. As long as we bring more awareness to creatives all over Africa.

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 What does the content you produce seek to fulfill?

The content we produce is aimed at driving collaboration among artists in order to turn the arts into a force to be reckoned with. We started a vision that would revolutionize the way people think of the creative industry internationally. It is more than just a creative portfolio, it allows the reader to be involved in the creative process, to make the transition from consumer and viewer to creator and enthusiast. We are all about changing the way we work together.

Your upcoming event in June, do elaborate as to what can be expected by attendees?

Each of our events bring a different element each time. Our magazines are themed each issue, and based on the theme, our events take on elements of that theme. This upcoming event, sponsored by the University of Johannesburg, will be based on the current theme “RAW” and the other exciting thing about this event is that it will be around the week of June 16 and we are trying to celebrate the creative students.

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 What can readers expect in the next issue to be released?

This next issue is going to bring on a different aspect of things we see on a daily basis. This “RAW” issue is living up to it’s name…everything is going to be Raw, uncensored, unscripted. Whatever comes to your mind…we will be showing that off to the world…and the lovely thing about this issue, is that it is off to New York in July.

How was the feedback from your previous event, the Revolution issue launch?

Every launch we’ve had, has brought about more interest, more excitement, and more sponsors. And the Revolution issue was no different. We have received nothing but POSITIVE feedback throughout.

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As a South African creative content producing company, what does a day in the office look like?

A day at the office is always exciting…we are all very busy, but the busyness isn’t overwhelming because we all get to do what we ABSOLUTELY love doing. We are all a fun bunch, so coming to work is always entertaining.

What is the way forward for Conté Magazine for the years to come?

Moving forward, Conté’s mission is to expand its leadership role in the creative market, using groundbreaking creative solutions and also expanding creative collaboration by using it’s publications. There is a lot to look forward to because more than anything we want to be the international voice for African Creatives and whatever we can do to make sure we are that, we will most definitely do.

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Follow Conté Magazine!

Instagram: @contemagazine

Twitter: @ConteMagazine

Facebook: Conté Magazine


Bridgette Makhela


Nape Phasha On Life Since Vuzu Rich Kids


Nape Phasha Jnr
Political Sciences Graduate (University of Pretoria) / Currently studying towards a Law Degree (Wits University)


Where’s home for Nape?
Pretoria East.

Since Vuzu Rich Kids, what have you been up to, anything exciting?
Being on Vuzu Rich Kids was a great experience. For me, it was beyond just appearing on TV, but the opportunities that would come with the experience. Since doing the show, I have been mapping out my path in the industry. It’s very important to be true to myself and not try to emulate what everyone is doing, which is why I’ve spent some time crafting my next steps. I’ve also been focusing on my studies, which is very high on my priority list.

Has life changed for you in any way since being on a reality TV show, groupies maybe? Lol
Haha! I wouldn’t call it groupies, but being on the show came with a lot of attention. Everyone has just been supportive, so it’s all love, lol.


Favourite book to read?
The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

It’s the month of love…Any special lady in your life? Any tips for the fellas on how to spoil their better half?
My advice to anyone would be to keep your person happy with the little things, before attempting to be romantic. The secret is in the art of keeping your lady happy on a daily basis.


Ultimate travel destination would be?
It would have to be New York and Barcelona, mainly because both destinations have a bit of everything, from the shopping, to the rich culture.

All-time favourite sneakers?
Yo, this is a tough one because they change weekly…but right now – Jordan 11 Bred and the Yeezy 750 Black.

What do you never leave the house without?
My cellphone.


What does family meant to you?
Family to me is everything; they are supportive and keep me grounded. I also happen to be very close to my mom, her love really knows no bounds.

Any future projects you just might wanna reveal?
I’m working on a lot of projects due this year. I think people will finally get to know the real Nape as I’ve made sure that I pursue projects that I’m passionate about. My first project is actually launching this month, while I’m also finalizing plans for a TV/fashion project which is due to drop later on in the year.

(Photography cred: WorthAThovsandWords)


Bridgette Makhela