Masego Maponyane On Modern Maps And The Power Of Social Media

Masego “Maps” Maponyane / 29 / TV Presenter / Actor / Social & Tech Entrepreneur

You’ve recently started a WhatsApp channel that goes by the name #ModernMaps, what’s it all about?

Modern Maps is a WhatsApp channel that essentially works as an app within WhatsApp. It fuses both artificial intelligence and a personal touch to ensure a closer connection with my followers and those interested in me, how my mind works, what makes me tick and my thoughts on mapping out the ideal tools to living a successful modern life.

Why a WhatsApp channel?

It’s more personal, it’s the most commonly used social media app on the continent. It requires far less data than any other app, and it enables more comfortable engagement with people. It’s also fairly uncharted waters and allows for a lot of growth potential.

How will subscribers benefit from #ModernMaps?

They can directly engage on categories that interest them, varying from Health, Fitness, Fashion, Wellness, Travel and general Lifestyle content created by me and get the inside track on what I think it takes to reach your potential and get the best out of your life.

What sets #ModernMaps apart?

It’s new, fresh, there’s none out there like it and it’s beneficial to your life. It has both audio and visual content in the form of video highlights and podcasts. Users can decide what they want to interact with and can have a more personal connection with what happens in my world.

How long did this idea take to execute?

Fairly quick actually, I work with a great team that was able to put it all together in a week, however the idea was always brewing from the way that the East was using the capabilities of text apps such as WeChat beyond just being text based.

How has the response and feedback been so far?

It’s been great! People have really enjoyed it and are constantly looking forward to receiving more in the future.

Sharing your daily life activities with so many people, does this ever have a negative effect?

Not in this case, because although I’m sharing more than ever before and making it a whole lot more personal, I’m still able to decide on what it is that I share, but it also allows me to be as honest as possible, as opposed to recreate the curated perfection of social media lives.

Has utilizing social media as a tool to inform your fans/followers about your growth, wins, losses and experiences made it easier to get the Maps brand out there?

It certainly has. It’s the people that support you that are the deciders of your success and to make them feel like they are a part of your journey can only be more beneficial than anything else.

What’s next, writing a book maybe? Do tell…

Haha! Oddly enough yeah, a book is on the cards, but it isn’t the kind of book that you would think! 😉 Other than that, I’m currently producing a film that’s being co-produced by Terry Pheto and directed by Akin Omotoso and is due for release mid 2020.

Follow Maps!

Instagram: @mmaponyane

Twitter: @MapsMaponyane

Facebook: @MapsMaponyane


Bridgette Makhela

A Few Minutes with Masego ‘Maps’ Maponyane

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1. How old is Masego Maponyane?

2. You’re pretty much everywhere, how do you juggle all the work?
It’s tough but time management is key. I make sure I try and run everything like clockwork to get the most out of the day and its opportunities.
I honestly try not be “everywhere”, I actually say no to most things that come in, but whenever I work with a brand they make the most of it.

3. Looking good is always a must for you right? When Maps goes out, how does he put an outfit together?
Haha, you’d be surprised, it’s really not that deep. I always go according to mood and perhaps even occasion, but if I’m feeling some type of way then I’ll put my outfit together in relation to that. I always think about it in the shower and that’s that; I definitely don’t have time to be planning outfits days before and I prefer it like that because then I’ll always stay true to the essence of what my style is.

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4. Your favourite suit would be?
The suit I would wear on my wedding day.

5. What can your fans and followers expect from Maps in 2016?
The people who support me can expect quite a lot. There are a couple big brand ambassadorships on the way that will break new ground, as well as a couple new shows that I’m particularly excited about. 2016 is going to be a killer year.

6. How do you manage to look good physically with your kind of schedule?
Thank you, but to be honest I struggle as I just hardly find any time at all to workout, so the best way to balance that for me playing soccer with friends or going for a run whenever I get a gap in the schedule.

7. Who or what inspires you?
People I meet every day inspire me. I like to get really involved in conversations I have with people I meet daily and it’s a reminder of all the different challenges people have been through. Everyone has a story and a lot of the time it’s inspirational finding out how they made it through those challenges.

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8. Food or music?…It’s a hard one right?
NOOO!!! You can’t ask me that! Death. I can’t imagine life without either.

9. In an ever-changing industry, how do plan to constantly re-invent yourself?
It changes from day to day depending on who you encounter, what you come up with and what you’re exposed to, but reinvention is essential.

10. How would you like people to remember you?
I don’t think I know the answer to that yet, but when I get married and have kids, I want them to remember me as the best father and husband who did everything he could for his family.

11. One word to describe Maps?
Unpredictable 😉


Follow Maps!

Instagram: @mmaponyane

Twitter: @MapsMaponyane

Facebook: Maps Maponyane / Masego Maps Maponyane


Bridgette Makhela