Lawrence Maleka On Playing Zolani And How He Plans On Impacting The Industry

Lawrence Maleka / Actor & Entrepreneur

Projects you are currently working on?

I’ve never intentionally put word out of what I’m busy with. I want my work to speak for itself and that’s how I’ve maneuvered my career so far.

Let’s talk The River, how did you land the role of Zolani?

I have had engagements with MNet for a while now, having d done Clash of The Choirs and All Access Mzansi. They were trying to get me on a drama series and they’d send me scripts but nothing resonated with me. I then got called in to audition for Cobra’s role initially but everything happens as it should as that character is now played by Presley Chweneyagae. The writer’s then wrote a part for me that I read and loved, that’s how the character Zolani was born.

What was the highlight of your childhood?

A primary school play I was in, The Jungle Book. I landed a role of a pigeon and had one line throughout the whole show. The hall was full of students and parents. When I said my line, the crowd exploded! That was the moment I knew I like attention. Then throughout the rest of the play, I’m flying in and out of scenes I wasn’t supposed to be in. That was when the seed was planted.

How do you wish to impact the South African entertainment industry?

Through credibility, authenticity, breaking barriers and altering stereotypes. I’ve always wanted to be known for my craft and my work. I want to be “Mr sexy” with my shirt on. Careers such as Meryl Streep’s and Denzel Washington’s are what I aspire to, their work comes before their physical appearance and that’s amazing.

Describe a typical day for you?

My day starts at 3:30AM. I wake up, pray and meditate and have a quick workout session. I then take a shower and get ready for work. I’m usually on set at 6AM, then by 7AM/8AM my team gives me updates on what I’m doing for the rest of the week. Then I’m on set and get my fencing lessons done afterwards. Once I get home I catch up on emails then spend time with my family, loved ones and do the boyfriend Olympics thing, lol.

Your favourite career moment so far?

Everything I work on is my best “thing”. Every job you’ve seen me do was intentional. I’ve always wanted to carve out a certain path out to maintain a career I am proud of. Actually, the character Zolani is a celebration of my brother and friend Mzwandile, it’s also about the culture and people I grew up around ekasi. People resonate with shows they see themselves in.

Something you’ve learnt while working during a pandemic?

I’m proud of the decisions I’ve made throughout my career and this made the pandemic slightly easier. On the business front we did however suffer some losses. In the greater scheme of things, it’s all about preparation, the more prepared you are, the more you become ready to face anything. When the pandemic hit, I was able to identify opportunities within it over the tragedies.

Any final closing words of wisdom for your fans?

There’s no manual to life, everyone is figuring it out. There’s more than enough room for all of us and the more we collaborate, it makes us better as a people and we can leave something behind for the next generation. No one is coming to save you but don’t discount the goodness of people. Try to be the best version of yourself because the best person to meet is you, this will resonate with other people. Be selfish with your time and the things you want for yourself and don’t forget to experience joy in moments.

Follow Lawrence!

Instagram: @sirlawrencemaleka

Twitter: @Lawrence_Maleka

Facebook: @LawrenceMaleka

Bridgette Makhela

Masego Maponyane On Modern Maps And The Power Of Social Media

Masego “Maps” Maponyane / 29 / TV Presenter / Actor / Social & Tech Entrepreneur

You’ve recently started a WhatsApp channel that goes by the name #ModernMaps, what’s it all about?

Modern Maps is a WhatsApp channel that essentially works as an app within WhatsApp. It fuses both artificial intelligence and a personal touch to ensure a closer connection with my followers and those interested in me, how my mind works, what makes me tick and my thoughts on mapping out the ideal tools to living a successful modern life.

Why a WhatsApp channel?

It’s more personal, it’s the most commonly used social media app on the continent. It requires far less data than any other app, and it enables more comfortable engagement with people. It’s also fairly uncharted waters and allows for a lot of growth potential.

How will subscribers benefit from #ModernMaps?

They can directly engage on categories that interest them, varying from Health, Fitness, Fashion, Wellness, Travel and general Lifestyle content created by me and get the inside track on what I think it takes to reach your potential and get the best out of your life.

What sets #ModernMaps apart?

It’s new, fresh, there’s none out there like it and it’s beneficial to your life. It has both audio and visual content in the form of video highlights and podcasts. Users can decide what they want to interact with and can have a more personal connection with what happens in my world.

How long did this idea take to execute?

Fairly quick actually, I work with a great team that was able to put it all together in a week, however the idea was always brewing from the way that the East was using the capabilities of text apps such as WeChat beyond just being text based.

How has the response and feedback been so far?

It’s been great! People have really enjoyed it and are constantly looking forward to receiving more in the future.

Sharing your daily life activities with so many people, does this ever have a negative effect?

Not in this case, because although I’m sharing more than ever before and making it a whole lot more personal, I’m still able to decide on what it is that I share, but it also allows me to be as honest as possible, as opposed to recreate the curated perfection of social media lives.

Has utilizing social media as a tool to inform your fans/followers about your growth, wins, losses and experiences made it easier to get the Maps brand out there?

It certainly has. It’s the people that support you that are the deciders of your success and to make them feel like they are a part of your journey can only be more beneficial than anything else.

What’s next, writing a book maybe? Do tell…

Haha! Oddly enough yeah, a book is on the cards, but it isn’t the kind of book that you would think! 😉 Other than that, I’m currently producing a film that’s being co-produced by Terry Pheto and directed by Akin Omotoso and is due for release mid 2020.

Follow Maps!

Instagram: @mmaponyane

Twitter: @MapsMaponyane

Facebook: @MapsMaponyane


Bridgette Makhela