Shane Eagle On Vuzu, His Music And The Special Lady In His Life


Shane Patrick Hughes


Rapper/ Musician and TV Personality

What kind of a guy is Shane?

Really humble and confident, generally very easy going and patient. I’m extremely ambitious and 100% focused on my path and career in the entertainment industry. I value important things/people in my life; I’m not a superficial person.


What’s the next move after the success of your Way Up song?

Well I’ve just landed a spot on Vuzu TV as one of the new presenters. This does not mean I’ve comprised my music though, I have a few singles which are yet to be released and currently dedicating a lot of my time to an E.P. which is aimed to release soon.

Would you say Vuzu’s The Hustle put you on in a major way?

Absolutely, and I’m forever grateful. If I had not been on The Hustle, I really think it might have taken me twice as long to get where I’m at now. As a result, it has definitely opened a lot of doors for me.


The rap scene is an unpredictable one; would you say you have the staying power to continuously reinvent your brand?

Yes. Longevity is very important to me. A lot of the time, you have to conform to current trends in music in order to remain relevant with a specific era. Those trends however may not be a true reflection of your personal interests or artistic genius. I therefore think it is important that, once you get the attention of people, to then reinvent yourself according to what YOU want to do so that your brand does become more diverse. Essentially, I plan on creating music which will resonate with people for years to come, as opposed to creating something which is easily forgotten.

Any special lady in your life?

Yes, there has been one special lady in my life for 6 years.


Timbs or Air Max’s?

Timbs for sure.

What other avenues in the industry would you like to start exploring?

I’d definitely like to go more into modeling, specifically in the health and fitness department. Other than that, I’m open to any opportunity that presents itself which does not interfere with my music.


What can your fans/followers expect from you this year?



Follow Shane!

Instagram: @shane_eagle

Twitter: @Shane_Eagle

Facebook: Shane Eagle


Bridgette Makhela





Nape Phasha On Life Since Vuzu Rich Kids


Nape Phasha Jnr
Political Sciences Graduate (University of Pretoria) / Currently studying towards a Law Degree (Wits University)


Where’s home for Nape?
Pretoria East.

Since Vuzu Rich Kids, what have you been up to, anything exciting?
Being on Vuzu Rich Kids was a great experience. For me, it was beyond just appearing on TV, but the opportunities that would come with the experience. Since doing the show, I have been mapping out my path in the industry. It’s very important to be true to myself and not try to emulate what everyone is doing, which is why I’ve spent some time crafting my next steps. I’ve also been focusing on my studies, which is very high on my priority list.

Has life changed for you in any way since being on a reality TV show, groupies maybe? Lol
Haha! I wouldn’t call it groupies, but being on the show came with a lot of attention. Everyone has just been supportive, so it’s all love, lol.


Favourite book to read?
The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

It’s the month of love…Any special lady in your life? Any tips for the fellas on how to spoil their better half?
My advice to anyone would be to keep your person happy with the little things, before attempting to be romantic. The secret is in the art of keeping your lady happy on a daily basis.


Ultimate travel destination would be?
It would have to be New York and Barcelona, mainly because both destinations have a bit of everything, from the shopping, to the rich culture.

All-time favourite sneakers?
Yo, this is a tough one because they change weekly…but right now – Jordan 11 Bred and the Yeezy 750 Black.

What do you never leave the house without?
My cellphone.


What does family meant to you?
Family to me is everything; they are supportive and keep me grounded. I also happen to be very close to my mom, her love really knows no bounds.

Any future projects you just might wanna reveal?
I’m working on a lot of projects due this year. I think people will finally get to know the real Nape as I’ve made sure that I pursue projects that I’m passionate about. My first project is actually launching this month, while I’m also finalizing plans for a TV/fashion project which is due to drop later on in the year.

(Photography cred: WorthAThovsandWords)


Bridgette Makhela