Langa Mavuso On New Single, A Debut Album And Always Being Authentic

Langa Mavuso / 26 / Musician

Where did you grow up and how has that shaped your music?

In the south of Johannesburg in a suburb called Meredale. I also spent a lot of time in Diepkloof, Soweto at my grandmother’s house on weekends and holidays. My music was influenced by the artists whose music my parents played while growing up, people like Ringo Madlingozi and Caiphus Semenya were constantly playing on the Hi-Fi at home. I also grew up listening to a lot of Neo-Soul and RnB.

You’ve just released your first single ‘Love Lost’ that’ll be on your debut album, what’s the message there?

The song came from a place finding closure. After the tragic death of my first love, I was constantly seeking healing from that grief. In this song I finally find that closure, I revisit the night of their passing and remember the good memories from our time together. The album explores a heartbreak and seeking closure from it, ‘Love Lost’ is the moment of acceptance and closure.

What can your fans expect from your album?

The album has been my labour of love for the past two years. I worked with some incredible producers who’ve created music for artists such as Beyonce, Ami Faku, Mahalia and many others. I talk about a heartbreak in the album; the loss of love, losing myself after love and finally putting up a mirror to myself to reconnect and find a love of self from within. I have the pleasure of featuring my friends Zoe Modiga and Manana and two other surprise artists. The album truly is as Ms Judith Sephuma would sing, ‘A Cry, A Smile and A Dance’.

You’ve been in the industry for a few years, something important you’ve observed?

It is important to be yourself. The best thing you can do is be authentic.

When did your love for music begin?

Sitting in the back of a hall in Orlando listening to my parents rehearse for choral competitions.

Where do you miss traveling to the most for a performance?

Cape Town. The audience literally sings the whole show for me there.

Singing or song writing, do you have a favourite?

Singing when I’m sad and writing when I need to reflect.

What inspires you to constantly create music?

Love and people.

Any other projects you’re working on?

Yes! But it’s a secret.


Follow Langa Mavuso!

Instagram: @langamav

Twitter: @LangaMav

Facebook: @langamav


-Bridgette Makhela

DJ Kinetic On Music And His Career Path


Thabo Damari aka Kinetic / 25 / House DJ & Producer / OB Engineer at YFM 99.2 & MD of Pro Tech Events & Entertainment

Why the DJ route?

As cliché as it may sound, I never chose “it” but “it” chose me. From as early as 7 years I had already started collecting music on tapes. I was 9 years old when I first saw a DJ mixing on turn tables, I can still remember how fascinated I was. I knew then where my path would lead, and I have never looked back.

Motivation…What does it mean to you?

It means never looking to others for validation, but rather remembering why you started in the first place and never losing sight of YOUR goal.


What does music mean to your craft?

Music is my craft, so with that being said I can only explain it as…Without music the word craft is meaningless to me. Music features in every aspect of my life, from the work I do as a Sound Engineer, to the business I run.

That one moment you always dream of reaching?

Being able to make timeless music that will one day be looked upon by future generations as revolutionary.


How do you prepare for a gig you’re meant to play at?

It always starts with the music. I prepare my sets depending on the kind of event, venue and crowd. I then prepare my outfit because I will be presenting myself to people, and people always need to have a visual reference (put a face to the name so to speak) and I want that reference to be a good one. Lastly, I have a home cooked meal (whenever possible) before I leave the house.

Money or love?

I get money doing what I love. Does that answer your question?

Are you happy with where you are in your life right now?

I cannot say I am happy, but I can say I am content. I still have lots to achieve and as long as GOD keeps me on this earth I will soldier on.


That one song that is timeless to your ears?

It has to be Planet Noir – Children Of The Ghetto from the Mekonko compilation mixed by the legend Khabzela in the year 2000.

What do you think of the industry you work in?

I never have a clear answer to this question because I become too subjective. My answer is always influenced by personal experiences which in most cases have not been to my liking. I do however try my best to shy away from all the negativity and focus my energy on building myself and those around me. This industry is what you make of it and I choose to run my own race despite the many challenges.


Follow Kinetic!

Instagram: Kinetic_SA

Twitter: @kinetic_err

Facebook: KineticSA



Bridgette Makhela