Ginger Trill On Music, Relevance And Always Staying Focused

Tshegofatso Seroalo aka Ginger Trill / 30 / Musician

The Ginger Trill story, where did it all begin?

The Ginger Trill story began long ago, probably back in Potchefstroom before I was called Trill. My friends and I had been making music and cutting demos since high school. I always knew I loved music but it wasn’t until I turned 22 that I knew that I wanted pursue a career in music. 

The come up and remaining relevant, what are your thoughts?

My come up was different and I think no two come-ups are the same really, I’m from the school of the hard knocks. So many failures, mistakes and lessons that helped me grow, not only as an artist, but as a person as well. Seven years since I released my debut album and I’ve learned that relevance is almost like having a “buzz”…it’s all about what you do with the traction you gain.

South African Hip-Hop is hella right now, agree? What are your reasons?

Agreed, the local Hip-Hop scene is lit right now. I think the cycle before this generation had a lot to do with the shift, we’ve never had a scene so full of young independent artists making so much bank off of Rap music, EVER! Thanks to the arrival of prodigies like Nasty C & A-Reece, the industry is opening up.

As an artist that expresses themselves through words and beats, where do you plug in inspiration from?

I draw my inspiration from the music I bump into mostly, and the things I read, the conversations I have, even the shows I watch on TV or on the net, anything that stimulates my mind really. 

How would you describe your music in one word?


Any new material you’re yet to release this year?

Finishing my work on “Tales of the High & Mighty”, a joint tape with myself and Top Goggs from Dizzy Monks. 

Have a favourite track to date that you’ve released?

Too many to mention, and I think they switch every season or year, but right now? I’d say #Money is my favourite song by myself, that record is HARD. 

The plan is to never give up right? What keeps you focused and going?

What keeps me going is purpose, and my family, they are the people I draw my strength and motivation from and of course, my Lord and Saviour.

Where can fans keep in touch with you?  

Fans can catch me on social media.

Instagram: @Ginger_Trill Twitter: @Ginger_Trill Facebook: @Gingertrilly and for music 


Bridgette Makhela

Samantha Lehoko On The Entertainment Industry And Following Her Passion


Samantha Motshidisi Lehoko


Radio & Television Presenter / Emcee / Motivational Speaker / Vocalist


How did you find your way into the entertainment industry?

My plan was always to go into journalism and perhaps be a reporter. I took Dramatic Arts as a subject in high school and based on my love for the performing arts, my love and passion for entertaining grew at that very point. I studied Sociology, Anthropology, Language & Communication, English and more then later decided to do a show at UCT Radio, in Cape Town. My show soon gained quite a bit of popularity and I had the opportunity to do breakfast, afternoon and drive shows. After a few years, I was hired to do a show at YFM 99.2. From then on, I had slowly begun to infiltrate the industry.

What do you love most about the South African entertainment industry?

There are probably two things that I love the most about the industry: The countless opportunities out there and the abundance of different people that one has access to within the industry; both in front of and behind the cameras.


Can you say you are following your passion?

Of course, I am. I’ve always believed that following your dreams and passions makes life worth living. When you’re doing everything that you love, life becomes simple, enjoyable, fun and adventurous. Loving your people, your work & your education is the key to success; something my father always reminded me of.

To date, what are you most proud of when it comes to your work?

My growth within the industry is something that I am proud of. I have achieved many things in a short space of time and have done things that many in the industry have taken years to do. Nonetheless, it does not mean that I am better, richer, more talented or luckier than others. I have always remained focused, passionate and aware of the fact that everything I do is always for my son.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I see a young, beautiful, independent, strong, caring, fun, crazy, intelligent and powerful woman.


Any exciting projects for you on the come up?

I am currently working on more music. I am doing a lot more appearances and public speaking. In a few months, I’ll be shooting a series called ‘How To Make Love In The Kitchen’. I’m really excited and look forward to working with new people. I’ll also be doing some work with regards to martial arts. It’s something being reintroduced to South Africa. I have always been quite sporty, and think this is perfect.

Movies or malls?

Personally, I don’t like malls, but that’s where I get all my things. Movies are absolutely addictive.

Who or what keeps you grinding?

Nothing but my son and my passion for what I do.

Favourite life quote?

“Don’t trust anything that you see. Even salt looks like sugar.”


Follow Samantha!

Instagram: @sam_lehoko

Twitter: @sam_lehoko

Facebook: Sam ‘Sammy Sosa’ Lehoko


Bridgette Makhela


Sinning On A Sunday…

THE SINDAY SOCIAL is a lifestyle youth radio show that removes the boring conventional stigma from Sunday by giving a platform to young urban independent thinkers to speak their mind without holding back, while exposing them to the new hip and happening. The show will also be a base for the entire YFM to break new music and artists into the stations music roster and to the world.


Daveyton native Kutloano “Da Kruk” Nhlapho has always been a major behind-the-scenes player on YFM as the brains behind the station’s signature shows.

He produced “Flava In The Morning” as soon as he joined YFM before moving over to produce “The Raw Rush” and to spearhead the live DJ mixing show “The Players Club” in 2015.


This year, the good music continues on “The Players Club” every Saturday from 21:00 00:00 and on Sundays with “The Sinday Social” from 21:00 00:00.

Follow Da Druk for regular updates about the show!

Instagram: @dakruk

Twitter: @dakruk

Facebook: Kutloano da Kruk


Bridgette Makhela