Austin Malema On 10 Years In The Industy, RTC Studios And The Future Of Photography

Mpho Austin Malema / Entrepreneur, Photographer & Founder of RTC Studios and Pixel Kollective

You’re a well-known photographer in South Africa, how has the journey been so far?

I have been in the industry for just over 10 years as a photographer and the journey has been an interesting one with many ups and downs. It is not as easy as it seems. Right now people only see your glory years and want the same thing but they don’t know of the failures and trials you face before getting to a point where your work speaks for itself.

What is RTC Studios and what services are offered?

RTC stands for Ronewa Tshiamo Cai. We are a visual creative hub which currently offers photography and videography solutions.

What’s your opinion on the current young South African photographer’s career span? 

I think as a young photographer in South Africa your career can be short lived depending on how serious you take your craft and using it to build a career. The big thing is adapting to different forms of photography, as the industry in South Africa is not big enough for one to make a living by just one form of photography. Most times, you have to adapt to new skills to grow. Young photographers need to stay strong and sharp mentally, as failures and rejection can be taxing.

Explain your type of photography…

I shoot lifestyle photography.

How are you staying busy during this pandemic?

At the beginning of this pandemic I was taking part in challenges by other photographers and created one myself, I also started watching tutorials on other forms of photography I am interested in, I usually do this to keep my mind fresh and to develop my skill set. In the  past couple of  weeks, we had had some projects done which should be coming out soon.

Your proudest career moment? 

There are so many of these moments, one being making it onto the Forbes 30 Under 30 list of 2019. I think I realized that photography was more than just photos, but the bigger picture being the business.

One word to describe your industry would be…


How’s the future looking?

The future of the industry looks great as there are many opportunities for young people to come in and grow. The future belongs to those who go after it.

Inspire the kids with some closing words of wisdom…

As Confucius once wrote: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart”.


Follow Austin Malema! 

Instagram: @aust_malema

Twitter: @AustinMalema

Facebook: @AustMalema


-Bridgette Makhela



Johannesburg (South Africa) – In the 90’s the Berea Courts, on the corner of Joe Slovo and Abel Road in Johannesburg, were the home ground for the country’s upcoming basketball talent. On 12 August 2017, international 3-on-3 basketball competition Red Bull Reign makes it’s way to those very courts to restore them to their former glory.

Red Bull Reign is the only basketball tournament with a cumulative scoring system as teams of three play against each other in rounds with the highest scoring team advancing to the next round. This system essentially makes the event an offence-focused tournament where “it’s all about getting buckets.”

The tournament started in the United States two years ago and is now a global sports phenomenon with participation from over 15 countries, including South Africa. The global finals will take place in Washington DC in the USA on the 15th/16th of September at the historic Barry Farms.

The Berea Courts, in the shadow of the iconic Ponte Apartments, will be prepped and primed not only for the event, but also as a leave-behind for the basketball community at large.


DATE: Saturday, 12 August 2017


PLACE: Ponte Basketball Court (Berea Park, Cnr Abel and Joe Slovo Drive, Johannesburg)


Distributed on behalf of Red Bull South Africa

Distributed by: Tutone Communications 

PR Contacts: Melanie Gia Ramjee  

+2784 682 3457 


Bridgette Makhela