Lawrence Maleka On Playing Zolani And How He Plans On Impacting The Industry

Lawrence Maleka / Actor & Entrepreneur

Projects you are currently working on?

I’ve never intentionally put word out of what I’m busy with. I want my work to speak for itself and that’s how I’ve maneuvered my career so far.

Let’s talk The River, how did you land the role of Zolani?

I have had engagements with MNet for a while now, having d done Clash of The Choirs and All Access Mzansi. They were trying to get me on a drama series and they’d send me scripts but nothing resonated with me. I then got called in to audition for Cobra’s role initially but everything happens as it should as that character is now played by Presley Chweneyagae. The writer’s then wrote a part for me that I read and loved, that’s how the character Zolani was born.

What was the highlight of your childhood?

A primary school play I was in, The Jungle Book. I landed a role of a pigeon and had one line throughout the whole show. The hall was full of students and parents. When I said my line, the crowd exploded! That was the moment I knew I like attention. Then throughout the rest of the play, I’m flying in and out of scenes I wasn’t supposed to be in. That was when the seed was planted.

How do you wish to impact the South African entertainment industry?

Through credibility, authenticity, breaking barriers and altering stereotypes. I’ve always wanted to be known for my craft and my work. I want to be “Mr sexy” with my shirt on. Careers such as Meryl Streep’s and Denzel Washington’s are what I aspire to, their work comes before their physical appearance and that’s amazing.

Describe a typical day for you?

My day starts at 3:30AM. I wake up, pray and meditate and have a quick workout session. I then take a shower and get ready for work. I’m usually on set at 6AM, then by 7AM/8AM my team gives me updates on what I’m doing for the rest of the week. Then I’m on set and get my fencing lessons done afterwards. Once I get home I catch up on emails then spend time with my family, loved ones and do the boyfriend Olympics thing, lol.

Your favourite career moment so far?

Everything I work on is my best “thing”. Every job you’ve seen me do was intentional. I’ve always wanted to carve out a certain path out to maintain a career I am proud of. Actually, the character Zolani is a celebration of my brother and friend Mzwandile, it’s also about the culture and people I grew up around ekasi. People resonate with shows they see themselves in.

Something you’ve learnt while working during a pandemic?

I’m proud of the decisions I’ve made throughout my career and this made the pandemic slightly easier. On the business front we did however suffer some losses. In the greater scheme of things, it’s all about preparation, the more prepared you are, the more you become ready to face anything. When the pandemic hit, I was able to identify opportunities within it over the tragedies.

Any final closing words of wisdom for your fans?

There’s no manual to life, everyone is figuring it out. There’s more than enough room for all of us and the more we collaborate, it makes us better as a people and we can leave something behind for the next generation. No one is coming to save you but don’t discount the goodness of people. Try to be the best version of yourself because the best person to meet is you, this will resonate with other people. Be selfish with your time and the things you want for yourself and don’t forget to experience joy in moments.

Follow Lawrence!

Instagram: @sirlawrencemaleka

Twitter: @Lawrence_Maleka

Facebook: @LawrenceMaleka

Bridgette Makhela

Tresor On New Single, Creating Music And Nostalgia Album

Mukengerwa Tresor Riziki / Singer, Songwriter, Producer & Entrepreneur

You just released Thrill last month, what inspired the title?

The title was inspired by the incredible feeling of excitement and joy I get from living my dreams out loud and the amazing people I am blessed to be surrounded by.

You visited New York pre-lock down, what was the experience like?

The experience was really tense, the city was not alive and crazy like everyone knows New York. I was actually on my way to Los Angeles to record for a week and had to make a fast U-turn when the world started to shut down, luckily made it back home on time for lock down. That was a very hard decision because the trip was planned months prior, but it was the best choice we made.

Nostalgia made waves in the music industry, are you working on any new projects?

Yes, Nostalgia is such a special project that I am very proud of. I am working on a few amazing projects and will be announcing someone exciting news in the next two months.

How are you staying focused on your work during the lock down?

I am making sure I keep to my everyday routine, like it was before the Covid-19 madness. I wake up, exercise in the garden then hit my office for admin and stay up until late writing and producing songs in my studio at home. Sometimes it’s 18 working hours or even 24 working hours, so the rhythm hasn’t really changed. The creativity is keeping me sane. Also, it’s a super inspiring time creatively.

What does music mean to you?

Music is pretty much the essence of my being and core of my purpose.

How do you find the process of creating music?

The process of making music is a great spiritual journey. It’s uplifting, healing and a joy fountain.

Your story is an inspiring one, what keeps you grounded and focused?

My journey and where I come from keep me focused on the bigger vision and grounded to stay in touch with my core and values.

Do you have a favourite song from your catalogue so far?

This is a very hard one, my catalogue is growing and to be honest I don’t think I have written my favourite song yet. Things change as time goes by and the music keeps coming. For now I am enjoying ‘Thrill’.

Any hidden talent/s your fans may not know about?

I think I am a decent cook.

How do you plan on making a lasting legacy?

I plan on reviving glory days of African Pop music globally and uplift the next generation of African leaders in our youth.

Follow Tresor!

Instagram: @tresorofficial

Twitter: @tresoroffcial

Facebook: @tresor.official1


-Bridgette Makhela


Doowap & Tarryn On New Single Thunda Thighs, Collaborations And Performing

Khetsiwe “Doowap” Morgan / 30 / Live Mix DJ & Performer

Tarryn “TNT” Alberts / 29 / Artist, Dancer & Business Owner

You guys recently released a banger of an Amapiano song called ‘Thunda Thighs’, how did the concept come about?

Tarryn and I had been listening to a lot of Amapiano in 2019 and we started creating choreography routines to some of the tracks to perform during my DJ sets. Then end of 2019, Tarryn had the hook “Mmmm aaaahhh mmmm aaahhhh Thunda Thunda” stuck in her head and around that time we had just met the young producer DJ Nel (now going by the name DJ Nelcee) at one of our shows in Limpopo. I spoke to Nel and got him to send through some of his beats for us to vibe to. We both fell in love with the power and energy of the Thunda Thighs beat and we made the song that same day, all that was left was for it to be mixed and mastered.

How and when did you two start collaborating?

I have always admired Tarryn as a dancer, already back in 2014. Then in 2017 I asked her to help me out with creating a show and adding dance as a new element. Our first ever gig performing together was at Budweiser’s first show in South Africa. We then did Afropunk Jozi and Afropunk Brooklyn, New York together. The transition to making music together was a natural and gradual progression.

Music and Dance are what you guys represent on another level, what do you think the South African industry has done right when it comes to these two entities?

Music and dance is in South Africans’/Africans’ blood. We dance and sing when we happy or sad. There’s always been spaces and platforms for both crafts to shine. I will say though that dancers are not treated with the respect they deserve. The amount of hours they put in to help bring an artist’s show to life is immense. They are often overlooked in terms of budget and attention deserved, but still they deliver over and above to bring a show to life. We need more community centres in underdeveloped areas to give children and young adults an alternative to the harsh circumstances they grow up in. Tarryn started a dance centre called “So Dope”, where she teaches classes and is grooming the next generation of dancers. Hopefully we can have more mentors, leaders and spaces created to nurture and cultivate young talented individuals in all forms of artistry.

Where do you guys keep getting inspiration from?

We are both super inspired and motivated by our country and the driven youth that inhibit it. Connecting with young artists at all ours shows, spending time with like-minded creatives in Braamfontein and each city we visit sparks us and ignites our fire. Travelling is always the biggest inspiration, hopping on a plane and landing in a completely different country with their own culture and views is always a refreshing mind shift and opportunity to learn and engage with other parts of ourselves.

Travel is a major part of your lives, how do you plan your schedules around this?

The traveling is part of the work, I try and organize gigs at the places I would like to visit. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to get opportunities that fly us out of the country and give us time to explore it. Tarryn was fortunate enough to do multiple world tours with a well known group.

Once the lockdown’s done, where can fans look forward to seeing your performances?

Wow the future of music is so uncertain. We are not really thinking about shows at the moment as they keep getting cancelled, the main focus is to keep making music and to keep creating. We are also figuring out new and interesting ways of making money in this industry during this weird climate. If you would like to catch us doing our thing and shining then for now it seems it’s going to have to be virtually through Lives and social media.

Any music video for Thunda Thighs in the pipeline?

We would love a video for Thunda Thighs and have the treatment mapped out but the lockdown has put everything on hold. Hopefully something will come out soon.

The one thing you always do before a performance?

We always do warm ups, some abs and core workout, run through the choreography and stretch. The main thing is to loosen up and get our energy levels up.

Any exciting projects still to come from you two?

At the moment we are just focused on making the music video, keeping fit and finding the direction we want the music to go. We are grateful to have this chance to work on ourselves without the pressure of the outside world at the moment.

Advice for aspiring young females that look up to you?

Advice is do whatever you have to do to keep your star shining. Even if it means sometimes you have to be selfish with your time and the people you want to be around. Work on your passion daily, even on the days you are feeling off, just keep moving forward.

Follow Doowap & Tarryn!

Instagram: @djdoowap / @tarryn_tnt

Twitter: @DJ_Doowap

Facebook: @DjDoowap / @tarryntnt


-Bridgette Makhela 

Justice Mukheli On Film, Photography And Life In Between

Justice Mukheli / 34 / Filmmaker & Photographer

Not everyone can say they are a self-taught filmmaker and photographer, what sparked your interest?

I’ve always felt that I’ve wanted to be an artist, I felt this from a very young age. Both my parents were artists in their own way. My fondest memory is of my brother and I in primary school, when our father drew a picture of us holding a vinyl while we were listening to music. I grew up with drawings, paintings and sculptures around me. My mom would make jerseys with various patterns, even when it came to her baking skills, she way always creative. I’ve always known that I am artistically inclined. In school I was always interested in work that required drawing and creative solutions, I loved painting as well. On the other hand I was also into fixing cars and IT as well. I have Dyslexia and growing up with it was challenging and created trauma for me by the treatment I got from other kids around me. Therapy has now helped me a lot with getting over that trauma. There are still moments where it still kicks in, especially if I am nervous but the therapy has really helped and it’s gotten better.

What projects are you involved in at the moment?

I’m involved in a few projects at the moment. There’s a documentary that’s brewing, a little film for a cool brand (can’t say at the moment) and two amazing music videos I shot for a band called Urban Village with a label called No Format. There’s also an exhibition coming up, firstly online then in a gallery in Braamfontein, it won’t be new work but it’ll be put out in a different manner and package.

Inspiration and consistency keep the work going, who or what inspires you? 

I’m inspired by a lot of people and a lot of things. Music, politics and young individuals living their purpose. I am also inspired by our country and the advantages we have in our generation. The inspirational names that came before us didn’t have access to various opportunities like we do, that inspires me because our voices can be heard quicker and easier than our predecessors. I love people such as Toni Morrison and Chinua Achebe. Current people that inspire me are Vincent Moloi and Tebogo Mahlatse, I believe they have moved our country forward and I am grateful that I get to work with them. My mother inspires me too, so much. My culture, heritage and beautiful history inspire me, as well as Black Power. The increasing need of seeing and acknowledging women inspires me. Being a man, a lot of what I am is easier because of my gender, this inspires me to be mindful of my privilege and be better and create access for women in any way that I can.

The industry is full of talented individuals, how do you keep your work apart and noticeable from others?

I create my work for me. My intention and purpose in my work is different. A lot of photographers follow trends, most creatives try to do the same type of thing. My intention and the feeling in my work will never be the same as anyone’s. Every project I do is for me, how the person receives it is secondary to what’s important to me.

Fashion seems to be one of your interests, how do you put an outfit together for an occasion?

I really love fashion, it’s a way for me to express myself. Fashion is very therapeutic for me. I buy a lot of clothes and lately I’ve been trying to understand why I have an access of items so I gave away about 60% of my shoes. I grew up poor, I didn’t have much. My dad left when I was 15 and he was the breadwinner, my mother didn’t have a job so she had to find creative ways to make money such as selling cakes, Mashonzha, etc. There was no room for me to be fashionable while growing up so when I started making my own money, I started buying stuff for myself. It’s a beautiful thing for me. I mean imagine going from having one shoe to being able to have five pairs a year, but I need to be mindful of how it affects my pocket now.

You’re a twin…how has this shaped your storytelling? 

Being a twin is amazing, it taught me how to be around other people, if even though my brother is me, and I am him, I still have to be mindful of him and around him. He is my right hand, and I am his, you have to be considerate. Him and I have the same interests and competing with one another helps us to always strive to be better. When you’re a twin you are born with a best friend that you can always be yourself around. Even when you’re not seeing eye to eye, you still love one another. Being a twin also gave me separation anxiety, it was hard for me to be alone but you learn to deal with it. The connection we have is still strong even if we’re now in different businesses and are pursing different careers, I can also always feel if something is wrong with him so you always just check up on the other half.

Where can people follow you on social media?

Instagram: @justicemukheli

Twitter: @justice_mukheli



Facebook: Justice Rendani Mukheli


-Bridgette Makhela

Sisanda Henna On Acting, Film And What’s Coming Next

Sisanda Henna / 37 / Actor, Film & TV Creator & MC

Being an Actor and Film & TV Creator isn’t an easy career, did you always want this for yourself?

Yes, probably from the age of 14, that’s when I was a part of my first play, an inter house play where I won Best Supporting Actor at a school called Union High School, in the Eastern Cape…ever since then I’ve wanted this!

How does a typical day for you look like?
There is no typical day, some days I’m writing a proposal to pitch something and some days I’m exercising and meditating, then go and see my acting coach. Some days I go MC an event somewhere and some days I’ll go sit and read a script for a couple of hours in a day for a new project and maybe do some research through watching a lot of movies and series. Some days I’ll just take a taxi somewhere, like to Alex and back because I play real people, depending on the person I’m playing, I’ll go and be where those real people are – whether in a shebeen or a law firm. When I’m producing or directing, I could be in meetings were we’re working out budgets, or I could be spending an hour or two going through contracts, then at times I could be in a PR and Marketing workshop. Other days I’ll do a photo shoot. Sometimes I’ll go for a jog or a swim, all of that is part of creation – even the part where you’re resting.
That one thing you can’t survive without when on set would be?

I try to make sure that I am able to survive even without any of the things I enjoy…just like how at some point coffee used to be quite a thing for me. I like my space, and sometimes I’ve had to adjust to places where I sometimes didn’t have a trailer. My earphones are a thing too because if I cut out noise it helps me focus and I can mentally visualize things. Stretching and breathing are also things I do in my own space to help me get into the zone.

South Africa has some seriously talented actors, anyone you look up to for inspiration?
 There are two actors I respect incredibly: Andrew Buckland (some people may know him from Catching Feelings). I saw him in a play probably back in 1999 and he blew me away! I think he is one of the best theatre actors in the world right next to Rowan Atkinson and Jim Carrey, he really inspires me. Another one is Mcedisi Shabangu, saw him in 2005 in a play called Tshepang. I love going to theatre a lot, it really inspires me.
You’ve made a mark in the industry, what’s keeps you consistently creating work and being a part of it too?
I want it more than anything in the world, probably more than living and being alive. I want to make amazing work and that keeps me going, I’m determined to get it!
Favourite film/TV show you’ve been a part of to date?
It’s hard to pick, I’ve loved so many of them for different reasons. I really love ‘Agent’ which is coming to SABC 1 on Sunday nights at 20:30, it starts March 8th. I’ve loved being a part of season 1 of ‘Trackers’ too, that’s coming to Mzansi Magic as well soon. I also loved being a part of ‘Gauteng Mabongeng’, although I worked on it as series producer and creative director.
What would you like the upcoming generation of actors and filmmakers to know?
It depends on what they want to know and do. There are so many different parts of the industry to go into these days, so it would depend on what they want…makes sense?
Any exciting projects you’d like to share for 2020?
I want to share 2 things: I am going to co-produce and star in a romantic comedy feature film, a big announcement’s about to made soon, it’s amazing! I’m also going to be in a new drama series that is going to be on MNet, although I can’t say much about that at the moment, but when the time comes I definitely want to share the news with you, B Kool Media!
Follow Sisanda!
Instagram: @sisanda_henna
Twitter: @SisandaHenna
Facebook: @SisandaHennaActor
Bridgette Makhela

Thabo & Thabiso On YoMzansi, Relevant Content And Social Media

Thabo Modiselle and Thabiso Modiselle / Content Creators at 5@2 Media & YoMzansi

Content is of the essence. How did YoMzansi begin?

YMZ began as a hobby at a time when we were messing around with computers and coding. And since we were attached to the entertainment industry, we figured we’d create our own blog which would talk about the latest news in entertainment, music and digital trends. This was back in 2008 and we named the blog 5@2 News Network. Then in 2010, we decided to re brand to YoMzansi and make it a solid passion project, because people were enjoying our content and wanted more. Today, YoMzansi is a platform that focuses on current pop culture and documenting it. We also curate our own original content through dope collaborations with different brands.

Describe a typical day at the office…

Weekdays we kick start the day at 8am, the plan is to keep our mornings very easy so we can achieve a lot more within those hours. The first hour we go through our To-Do list and figure out deadlines and the content list. Between that and midday, we’re on our laptops putting up content on the blog and social media, while getting on those morning calls and E-mailing potential clients and brands. At times we use some hours to put together proposals and share ideas with certain brands we’re keen on working with, so this is a team effort. Same morning we get package deliveries from brands that have booked editorials and shoots. Lunchtime we hit the drawing board together with the team to come up with killer ideas for editorial shoots. Once we have implemented the key ideas and plan, we spend most afternoon hours putting together the shoot at the studio. We try as much to stay away from meetings, unless it’s critical. We wrap up our day after receiving a bunch of invites to attend launches, events, press conferences, etc (not all of them pay). We then decide which ones would be great to attend, where it will be beneficial to network and get dope content.

You guys are twins, how does working together pan out?

It has honestly made things a bit smoother in terms of building and getting the work done, because we can multi-task. We have spent time together since day one, and have shared our passion since, so our work relationship has become a lot easier. But also, this comes with a lot of arguments because as much as we’re twins, our tastes differ, so at times when we have to put out a final product, you find that we have to choose what is best and it’s not always easy. But through the years we’ve managed to overcome challenges like that, because we share the same vision and our work ethic is on a thousand.

What’s the secret to always producing fresh, relevant and visually captivating content on your blog? 

When we started the blog, most times, the question was what type of content would we (personally) want to consume and read daily. From that, we started looking at trendy, fresh and youthful content that any millennial would enjoy and want to subscribe to. Picture it: when you’re hanging with your friends, what would you talk about? The ‘IT’ Fashion item everyone has, money, cars, music, the coolest restaurant in Melville and so forth. So it’s not really a secret but more of daily stuff that attracts millennials.

2019, what’s the goal?

Building and building. There is much to be done, but the focus for this year is content. We are expanding our current podcast #YMZTechTalk and want to launch two more and produce more video content focused on South African pop culture. We also plan on expanding our portfolio in terms of collaborating with different brands that appeal to our audience.

What do you think South African Bloggers, Influencers and Content Creators still need to figure out?

It’s definitely the ‘storytelling’ part, that’s the key thing, many Influencers new and old still think it’s about the massive following, trending and clout. Creators and Influencers need to focus on telling beautiful and honest stories about whatever subject/topic they are covering. We need more Creators who are reliable when it comes to their word and work. Remember all this has to come with an audience that relies on your word, and that easily makes you stand out. Also for the ‘longevity’ part, can a kid in the next 10 years reference your piece, work, review or photograph? Also, it’s important to ‘stay away’ from the cycle of doing what others are doing, the usual things. It will be so dope to see new Creators and Influencers coming into the industry with their own taste, impact, style and just authentic new cool.

Think we’ll ever see the end of social media?

As long as we have the internet, social media will never die. Besides the celebrity life, slay queens, etc, social media is about connecting people, communicating and sharing information, and you have to think about this ‘world wide’. These days people rely on social media for information, latest news, advice and so on. Platforms are always going to be there for people to access such. Social media has to be the biggest thing that has ever happened to the internet itself, we honestly don’t think that today the internet would be fun without the social media part of it (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram).

What are you guys looking forward to the most this year?

What is important to us is taking a step closer to the big goal. So even if it’s just one step we take this year, that will be dope for us. We are on a journey of building a media network with YoMzansi, have our own digital network, TV shows and expanding the brand into a lifestyle.

What does YoMzansi do for the culture?

Currently, we’re focused on documenting all the important stories and events that are happening within the music, fashion, art, film and lifestyle industry. We also tell stories about individuals who are pushing the envelope within those categories. This is so that the upcoming generation can have an authentic and honest reference about what was going on 5 to 10 years ago. We’re in the digital era, they should be able to read that, watch it or stream.


Follow Thabo & Thabiso! 

Twitter: @ThaboThabiso

Instagram: @ThaboThabiso

Facebook: @ThaboThabiso Modiselle


Bridgette Makhela

Naledi Sibisi On Content, The Throne And The Mobb

Naledi Sibisi / 26 / Editor-in-Chief at The Throne Agency

Content, what does this mean to you?

Quality, value, tact and reception. Beyond how you carry and pass on information, I think content (creation and marketing) has more to do with how much you captivate and keep your target audience. The people behind the content have to be in the know; research, be on top of trends, understand what is happening in their industries and address or influence their audience through that knowledge. I think that really great content has more to do with the audience than the creator or marketer in the end. Your audience is ultimately who keeps determining what content is and how it translates.

It took you how many years to get to this point?

In theory, eight years. In practice, I would say about three years.

The Throne & The Mobb are dope, give a synopsis…

They feed each other but they also stand alone. Both The Throne and The Mobb explore entertainment, fashion, art and culture in a South African context. The agencies study cultural insights and influencer relations in order to serve as a voice for the contemporary urban and creative landscape. Most importantly, they are 100% Black female owned – aiming to reshape and rethink the creative industry and dynamic for the generation coming on board in the future.

What’s an Influencer to you?

Someone who has the ability to affect how you think and feel about products or services and can ultimately control your purchase power as a result. It goes beyond the surface level and pretty pictures on social media. An influencer is someone who has built up a following based on who they are, what they know and has identified their niche. As a result, brands can use this knowledge and audience loyalty to collaborate with them for marketing purposes to achieve their specific objectives. Influencers are assets.

Writing, it’s either you have it or you don’t. Agree?

Yes and no. I think as with any creative field it’s part ‘gift’, part passion and equal parts practice. You have to constantly study and practice your craft as much as you are passionate about it. You can have a natural flair for writing but if you are not pushing yourself, studying other writers and researching, you don’t have it.

South African social media platforms that praise and promote females, do we have enough?

More than enough. We need to keep promoting and praising them more. Above that, we need to keep putting more women in influential positions and positions of power. The gatekeepers of said platforms are still predominantly male. Life is about balance, it needs to apply in quite simple and complex contexts.

They say the hustle never stops, do you ever stop working and just chill?

I think that when you love what you do, you become a workaholic by default. It’s always important to take time out. I make it a point to not check work related things after a certain point. If it’s urgent, it can find me at 5AM lol.

How would you want to change another person’s life through the work you do?

To keep being a source of inspiration or reference on a large scale. In the near future when I feel I have established myself, I’d definitely like to take a group under my wing; I suppose like a mentorship. I think that knowledge is best when it is shared. I want young people specifically to be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour and pass that on.

Where can everyone find your movement, handles?

Instagram: @thethronesa / @themobb_sa

Twitter: @TheThroneSA / @TheMobbSA

Website: /


Bridgette Makhela 

NEWAGESTEEZE On Being The Future Of Entertainment Through All Forms Of Art

What’s NEWAGESTEEZE all about?
Newagesteeze is a group of young, talented, skilled and creative adults with a passion for all forms of art within the entertainment industry. Anything in the name of entertainment, we are your go to people!
How is NEWAGESTEEZE shaping the future of entertainment?
We are shaping the future of entertainment through the ability to offer all forms of art in one group/company. We are creating a brand that can flexibly work with or around any client/brand’s needs. It being: Dance & Choreography, Cinematography, Fashion, Music, Fitness Lifestyle Event Production, Graphics, Social Media Strategies etc, the list is endless…
How long has NEWAGESTEEZE been around for?
Newagesteeze has been around for three years. The members in it are very well known entertainers who came together from different backgrounds to create the perfect entertainment group.
As a group of individuals, how do you get your various talents to merge into one work of art?
Since Newagesteeze has various skills and talents in the entertainment industry,
It’s easy to form such a group because all of these different skills and talents that work hand in hand.
How many hours of rehearsal are put in before a performance?
We rehearse until we have it right, hours are never counted when creating a show for over 20 000 people.
Any shows you have performed at that stand out for you guys?
We had our own tour where Castle Lite featured us in their show traveling the country as Newagesteeze. Unlocking Extra Cold as the ‘Extra Cold Force’
Fill Up The Dome/Fill Up Orlando (Cassper Nyovest).
Are you a close knit group of friends?
Yes we are. It’s got to the point where we have become like family to each other.
How do you plan on making NEWAGESTEEZE a lasting brand and driving force?
By creating a legacy of entertainment that this country is missing, that will travel the world and fall on to our next generation. Real entertainment at it’s highest level and placing South African art on global/international stages.
Do you believe South Africa has room for growth and escalation when it comes to birthing entertainment groups such as NEWAGESTEEZE?
Yes it definitely does. Entertainment is needed everywhere and almost everyday. All forms of entertainment, it just needs to be packaged well.
How can you be reached for bookings? or
Instagram: @newagesteeze
Twitter: @NewAgeSteezeZA
Facebook: New Age Steeze
Bridgette Makhela

Thapelo Mokoena Talks New Film, His Craft And The Industry


Thapelo Mokoena
Actor / Producer / Filmmaker

What’s the daily Thapelo Mokoena schedule like?
It consists of a high level of discipline and keeping my eye on the ball. Chasing the dream and fulfilling it. Most of the work I have to do myself, as an actor I get to fulfill other people’s dreams. Consistency is key.

Describe the role you play on the upcoming movie, Mrs Right Guy…
I play a guy called Dumile, a well to-do business man, he’s a young guy working for a big corporation. It’s a story of an underdog who goes from rags to riches. He can’t stand people that believe there is a short cut to life. He’s always fixing people’s problems. An arrogant guy who believes he is the solution for people on this earth. He is very self-assured and believes himself to be god-sent.


Tell me more about Kasi Movie Nights?
Kasi Movie Nights is a mobile cinema events company that brings the cinema experience to the people in a refreshing manner; it works as an informal cinema. It takes African-produced movies to the people, we all know there are no cinemas in the townships, Kasi Movie Nights is the solution to township cinema. People can watch movies in their own environment in a special way. It is the first of it’s kind on our shores. I believe our people need to start watching themselves; we pirate so many movies, consuming so much US and Australian content, that has to change.

Did you always want to end up in the entertainment industry?
I think so, I look at my life and since I was a kid my brothers and I have always been that way. It was a natural thing in the household; I grew up in a small town so we entertained ourselves. We would put the radio in the garage; connect a MIC, recorded music and movies. I have a serious passion for the arts. I guess I’ve always known.


What have you learnt about the industry?
It’s growing, from being an infant to a toddler…the world is our oyster. The fuel for the arts is an artist. It is one way to learn a lot of things about yourself. I enjoy it, the world is watching!

Inspiration comes in all forms, where do you get yours from?
Everywhere…I come from a family of hard workers, it’s all we’ve ever known and seen. I am inspired by where I am from; I come from a small town and what my parents managed to do from the situation inspires me. I do not want to fail them. I have also created another generation, my son inspires me every day to be a better man.


How do you practice remaining constant in your craft?
I believe that we all want to make it. Not all of us reach our goals; so I believe that I need to be the best at what I do, when I do it. My last job is the only CV I have so I constantly have to reinvent myself and invest in myself. The industry is small, so if needs be, I will be the freshest, fittest, etc. I will always leave a good mark, no matter what kind of day I’m having. If it needs to get done, I will do it like it’s the first gig. One never stops learning…

What makes you tick?
Time wasting is horrible, especially when someone wastes my time. People who don’t come prepared are to me, very unprofessional.


The bush or the burbs?
The bush!

Are you happy with the man you see in the mirror every day?
Most of the time yes, but not all the time. I do disappoint myself sometimes, and judge myself…But there are always more smiles than frowns.


Follow Thapelo!

Instagram: @mokoenalive

Twitter: @ThapeloMokoena

Facebook: Thapelo Mokoena


Bridgette Makhela