Cassper Nyovest On Opening For Nicki Minaj, Family Tree Media And Refiloe Album

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Refiloe Maele Phoolo, Musician

How has the Refiloe album been doing so far?
Refiloe is doing very well. We’ve already went platinum with the album, and now we are just focusing on putting out more singles.

Must be super exciting being the opening act for Nicki Minaj in South Africa, got anything special planned for the shows?
Yes, most definitely, it’s exciting! We are just trying to outdo ourselves with every performance.


Fans are already loving your Malome single, how was it like working the Mahotella Queens?
It was a very special moment. It was very humbling and also informative, as they shared a lot of stories and decades of knowledge. It was priceless.

How do you plan to grow and move your Family Tree label forward?
Music, music and more music. Our roster consists of myself, Nadia Nakai, Tshego and Gemini. Each artist is unique in what they do, which makes it exciting for the label. We just want create more platforms and opportunities for our artists to be seen and heard.


Is everyday in the life of Cassper different?

What are you afraid of in life?
Not being able to reach my full potential.

Any more exciting collaborations your fans can look forward to?
Yes, always. Yesterday, Tshego just released a song titled ‘Tell Em Say’ featuring myself, Gemini Major and Nasty C. There’s another huge remix on the way. I’m excited for people to hear it.

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Who truly knows you?
My mother and my best friend, Carpo.

One thing that pushes you to stay in the game everyday?
The love that I have for what I do. The hunger to reach more people; to touch them and make a difference in their lives with my music.


Follow Cassper!

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Twitter: @CassperNyovest

Facebook: Cassper Nyovest


Bridgette Makhela