Gigi Lamayne On The Hip-Hop Game Right Now, Inspiration And Dominating 2017


Genesis Gabriella Tina Manney / 23 / Poet, Musician, Songwriter, Activist, Actress, Voice Over Artist & Wits Graduate in Anthropology & Media Studies


What does Hip-Hop mean to you?

Hip-Hop is a lifestyle and way of living. It moulds one’s mind, behaviour and experiences. It allows for wisdom to be spread by the oppressed. It allows for victory to be attained by the hopeless.

When did you decide to get into the game? Your favourite single so far?

I was sixteen, so back in the year 2010. My favourite single is definitely my debut for 2017 titled ‘My Ugly Boy’ produced by new kid on the block, J Twinn. I can’t wait!


How’s your 2017 looking like?

Packed from brands, to music, to new business ventures for myself as well as my company, Hart Roc Entertainment. It’s going to be a crazy year for Hip-Hop and the rest of the industry. Endorsements, projects and of course, the #GigiGoesGold saga continues.

Who inspires you in the South African music industry?

Brenda Fassie, Lebo Mathosa and Miriam Makeba.


The awesome thing about being a female rapper is?

You get to train twice as hard to beat the guys. 🙂

Do you believe Hip-Hop and fashion go together? If yes, how so?

I honestly do. Fashion has always been a huge part of the Hip-Hop culture. As with any culture, apparel is of significance. We find so many people denying this fact, however, to belong holistically to any way of life, one has to embody the physical and mental aspects of it. This is fashion.


Fame or fortune?


What do you believe your industry still needs to do in order to improve?

Working together and thinking beyond South Africa.

What would you love to achieve this year?



Follow Gigi!

Instagram: @gigi_lamayne

Twitter: @Gigi_Lamayne

Facebook: Gigi Lamayne


Bridgette Makhela

Mariechan Luiters On Going Solo, Years In The Industry And What She’s Focused On Next

Mariechan Luiters / Singer & Entrepreneur


Tell your story of you how you found yourself in the music industry…

It’s all destiny. It goes like this…My music teacher overheard me singing in a girl’s restroom without me knowing and she encouraged me to sing publicly. I then tried once for Popstars and once for Idols but I wasn’t ready. Then, I gave it one more shot as my confidence grew and tried out for Popstars again. This time it was definitely destiny because when I arrived, they had locked the doors and not letting anyone else in and then someone saw me as I was walking away and remembered me from the previous year. In a nutshell, I made it to the finals with my group Jamali and the rest is history.

Where is Mariechan originally from?

From the foothills of Stellenbosch, some of the most beautiful geography in the world, I believe.


How many years have you been in the industry and what’s the most important thing you’ve learnt?

It’s going on 13 years and I am still loving it like a kid in a candy shop. I’ve learnt that if you want something, you need to go get it yourself.

How has the transition from being in a group to doing the solo thing been?

I am learning every day. When I started it was the era of the record label doing everything, now the individual artist has to be responsible for their brand’s trajectory.

The biggest highlight of your solo career so far?

Being the first woman of colour to sing the welcoming National Anthem at the New Zealand Rugby match in front of like 50,000 people.


That collaboration you would really still love to do?

With Rihanna, Adele, Beyonce, Drake, Wizkid, it would be magic.

Do you still get nervous before a performance?

Yes, and I think it shows I still care.

What are you focusing on next?

Next I am focusing on building my foundation and my entrepreneurial ventures while continuing to build the brand Mariechan in the industry, it’s an exciting period of my career.

Fame or fortune? Select one…

Fortune, this way I can build a legacy for others, not just for me.


Follow Mariechan!

Instagram: @mariechanl

Twitter: @MariechanL

Facebook: Marichan Luiters


Bridgette Makhela