Maitele Wawe On New Music, Fashion And Setting Trends

Maitele Wawe / 27 / Trendsetter, Artist & Social Entrepreneur


You’re no stranger to the fashion industry, how did you make your mark as a fashion rebel?

There was a lot of passion involved, as being yourself is often not praised in our black communities. Being the trendsetter that I am, I always looked at things differently, hence my look and appearance that’s driven by an amazing sense of style and a very good eye for fashion.

You’re a young influential South African, how do you maintain focus and consistency on that level?

Discipline and loving what you do.

You’ve been approached and have worked with big names in the industry such as Top Billing and GQ, how does it feel to know that you’ve grabbed the attention of such entities?

As good as it feels, to me it’s just a part of the journey and the universe showing me love.


The Social Market in Pretoria continues to be a success, how much work goes into the upkeep of such a big event?

All I can say is the higher power keeps showing me more possibilities and in the process I have to learn as much as I can and remember that not all lessons are just a walk in the park. With a smile, I can say to you: think about a scenario where three years ago I needed no money to make my event happen, yet presently it requires about 150k to 200k to make it possible, with no sponsor! Celebrating three years of strength, learning and helping grow small black businesses. So much goes on in the up keep of so many black-owned brands in the country, this involves so many doors being closed in your face simply because you are black or don’t want to sell shares.

You’ve recently branched into music, has this always been part of your life plan?

Music is part of my growth, creatively.

You’re dropping your new song ‘Designa’ soon, what’s the message behind the music?

All I can say is that listening to it should take you into a trance, and that’s how we’ll connect.


Any plans to eventually release an album?

Not before I feel that I am ready.

Where do you draw your holistic inspiration from when it comes to all that you do?

Crazy enough, I have no idea because most of the things I do are either something I challenged myself to do, or just try it to see what life comes after the original, you know.

Fashion or Food?

Definitely fashion.

Any major moves still on the way?

Well, the magician never reveals his tricks, so the people gotta keep watching the show.



Follow Maitele!

Instagram: @maitele_wawe

Twitter: @maitele_mighty

Facebook: Maitele Wawe


Bridgette Makhela

J’Something On Food, Music And Everything Else

Joao Da Fonseca / 28 / My job is a bit complicated – I like to sing and like to cook


First things first, you opening up your own restaurant is a major deal, how did this all come about?

There are certain opportunities in life that are too good to not take. Sun International is the reason why  I am in South Africa, fast forward my life and they offered me a restaurant. It’s an amazing opportunity to extend my passion in food, it’s also a tribute to my father and mother who both worked their entire lives in the food business.

How old where you when the foodie bug bit you?

The foodie bug really hit when I was 23. That’s when I really wanted to get more creative with my cooking.

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How do you juggle the music side of your career with the restaurant business?

Everything stems from doing what I love. When times are tough and I feel stretched out, it really helps doing what I love. Plus, I have an amazing team which really helps me to achieve my crazy dreams.

What does Mi Casa mean to you?

Mi Casa is what I dreamt of since I was 4 years old. Mi Casa is my dream come true!! Mi Casa is my family!


Yemi Alade features Mi Casa on her new single ‘Get Through This’, can we expect more collaborations with African artists?

Most certainly! Africa is our focus!

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It’s already May 2017, what do you believe the rest of the year holds for you?

Who really knows? The only thing I wish is to stay happy. We are working on more music as a band and I have a very busy year ahead from a good side of things.

That one habit you need to stop?

Losing golf balls on the course!

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Food or Friends?

Why do we need to pick? We need both!

You’re an inspiration to so many young South Africans, any closing words of advice you’d like to give away?

Work at becoming an inspiration to people. As a young person you should work at becoming an inspiration to somebody else.


Follow J’Something!

Instagram: @jsomething

Twitter: @jsomethingmusic

Facebook: J’Something

Bridgette Makhela

B Kool Media In New York City!



B Kool Media had the amazing opportunity to explore the city that never sleeps, New York, New York!

Following a 16-hour South African Airways flight, touchdown in NYC took place on the 27th of April 2017, B Kool Media immediately hit the road running, because well, what is sleep?!



From Manhattan, to Brooklyn, Times Square, The Bronx, Queens, Harlem and such…B Kool Media got to explore it all! New York City is truly the city that never sleeps! Not forgetting to mention the amazing shopping experience NYC offers, decisions decisions is the order of the day, everyday. The stores pretty much never close!



Sightseeing was amazing! The Brooklyn Bridge, New York Times, Google, The Meatpacking District, Chelsea Market, Apollo Theater, 106 & Park, Yankees Stadium, Madison Square Garden, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, 9/11 Memorial Site, Central Park, the list is endless…thanks to an awesome tour guide, Cliff Strome!




The city has a vibrant feel, the food is great, the people are welcoming and it’s very hard to get lost…the streets are pretty much self explanatory. Yellow taxi cabs are available at every corner and Ubers too. Getting from one point to the next is not a problem at all, besides, you can walk as well.




Imagine sitting on the red stairs in Times Square at 2am?! Well, B Kool Media did just that…after grabbing some McDonald’s close by. The awesome thing is how safe the city is, no need to grab on tight to your belongings all the time. Getting lost in the city and it’s beautiful, modern make is a feeling that can’t be described, you’ve got to experience it for yourself!




The architecture, flowers, streets, diverse people and hotdogs and pizza at every corner make New York City a place that must be on your bucket list, trust!




Bridgette Makhela


A Few Minutes with Masego ‘Maps’ Maponyane

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1. How old is Masego Maponyane?

2. You’re pretty much everywhere, how do you juggle all the work?
It’s tough but time management is key. I make sure I try and run everything like clockwork to get the most out of the day and its opportunities.
I honestly try not be “everywhere”, I actually say no to most things that come in, but whenever I work with a brand they make the most of it.

3. Looking good is always a must for you right? When Maps goes out, how does he put an outfit together?
Haha, you’d be surprised, it’s really not that deep. I always go according to mood and perhaps even occasion, but if I’m feeling some type of way then I’ll put my outfit together in relation to that. I always think about it in the shower and that’s that; I definitely don’t have time to be planning outfits days before and I prefer it like that because then I’ll always stay true to the essence of what my style is.

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4. Your favourite suit would be?
The suit I would wear on my wedding day.

5. What can your fans and followers expect from Maps in 2016?
The people who support me can expect quite a lot. There are a couple big brand ambassadorships on the way that will break new ground, as well as a couple new shows that I’m particularly excited about. 2016 is going to be a killer year.

6. How do you manage to look good physically with your kind of schedule?
Thank you, but to be honest I struggle as I just hardly find any time at all to workout, so the best way to balance that for me playing soccer with friends or going for a run whenever I get a gap in the schedule.

7. Who or what inspires you?
People I meet every day inspire me. I like to get really involved in conversations I have with people I meet daily and it’s a reminder of all the different challenges people have been through. Everyone has a story and a lot of the time it’s inspirational finding out how they made it through those challenges.

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8. Food or music?…It’s a hard one right?
NOOO!!! You can’t ask me that! Death. I can’t imagine life without either.

9. In an ever-changing industry, how do plan to constantly re-invent yourself?
It changes from day to day depending on who you encounter, what you come up with and what you’re exposed to, but reinvention is essential.

10. How would you like people to remember you?
I don’t think I know the answer to that yet, but when I get married and have kids, I want them to remember me as the best father and husband who did everything he could for his family.

11. One word to describe Maps?
Unpredictable 😉


Follow Maps!

Instagram: @mmaponyane

Twitter: @MapsMaponyane

Facebook: Maps Maponyane / Masego Maps Maponyane


Bridgette Makhela