Stonebwoy On Anloga Junction Album, South African Collaborations And Beyond

Stonebwoy / 32 / Artist, Performer & Composer

Describe Stonebwoy and the love for music?

Stonebwoy is an African from Ghana. A multi-international award-winning artist, a performer and composer. I am a very talented musical genius, blending Dancehall and Reggae styles with Afrobeats, it is termed ‘AfroDancehall’. Born Livingstone Etse Satekla, music is my life and I love my life.

You create Afropop, Reggae and Dancehall music, what’s your favourite genre to create and why?

My style is actually a combination of all the above mentioned, to form a single body, so I can confidently say my favourite thing is to create all 3-in-1, termed as AfroDancehall. All the genres of music beautifully intertwined, have the same roots which make them not so widely different.

You’ve worked with South African artists such as AKA, Nasty C and Cassper Nyovest, do you listen to SA music? If so, what’s your favourite thing about the music/artists?

South African music is smooth, with its naturally fast and mid tempos that come with a lot of very creative dances to match. I love to listen to music across Anglophone, Lusophone and Francophone lines, so I can easily relate SA music. My favourite thing about SA music is the swing it comes with, derived from the tone of languages and the artistes are unique in their styles. SA has a very diverse culture, which is beautiful.

Your new single ‘Bow Down’ sees you collaborating with Nasty C, what’s the story behind the collaboration?

Nasty C was the best choice for a rhythm like that, when I heard it I knew we could create some magical with the guidance of producer iPappi Beats from Ghana. The song was recorded at my home studio in Ghana, we made under 2 hours, from scratch! We are yet to put a video together after the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a major project for the Anloga Junction album.

You’ve collaborated with top artists all over the world, how much personal and musical growth happens with each collaboration?

I’ve collaborated with great artists worldwide, personal musical connections have been brewed with each connect, with some relationships going beyond the music and turning into family and real friends. Like they say, real recognize real and the bond there off.

Why call your new album ‘Anloga Junction’?

The idea behind calling my album Anloga Junction is to give it identity as an African album from Ghana. The name of the town I hail from is Anloga, where Anlo is the dialect spoken and the same name defines my ethnicity.

How did the collaboration with Keri Hilson come about? Should we expect more collabs in the future?

The collaboration with Keri Hilson was meant to happen, it wasn’t planned though, only thought of and that’s why everything came together beautifully. A friend of mine met Keri on a flight and it all began there. We exchanged numbers and followed up when I went to the States for a tour. She invited me over to her studios, where the legendary award-winning producer, Andre Dre Harris was present. and we all made it happen. Yes there’s definitely a few more coming up.

How does it feel to be inducted into the Grammy Museum Sounds of Africa exhibit?

To be included in such a prestigious exhibition is proof that my hard work and contribution to the music scene is recognized globally.

What do you believe is the future of African music or Afrobeats?

The future of African music or Afrobeats is there for us the creative to speak about our history, our stories and spread the African agenda in our compositions. I’ve come to realize that this is lacking in our creative content and that is the future.

With not being able to travel due to the pandemic, what is the future looking like for you? What message do you have for your South African fans who were looking  forward to meeting you on tour in SA?

The future is still very bright, though there’s a lock down happening and the world is facing this global pandemic, I trust that there’s hope for the people of the world. Let’s turn to our maker in these times and let’s all keep to the protocols of keeping safe from this deadly virus.

Any live streaming performances for your fans during the lock down?

During this lock down I’ve done a few virtual charity concerts and pushed my store via merchandise and also pushing my album. I’ve continued to use social media to keep in touch with my fans.

How has lock down affected you as an artist?

Lock down has affected the whole world and we are finding newer means to keep pushing our work out and interacting with our fans.


Follow Stonebwoy!

Instagram: @stonebwoyb

Twitter: @stonebwoyb

Facebook: @stonebwoyburniton

YouTube: Stonebwoy


-Bridgette Makhela

Rudzani Netshiheni: HYPE Magazine’s Editor And How He’s Changing The Game

Rudzani Khorommbi “Roo” Netshiheni / 26 / Editor at HYPE Magazine / Chief Information Officer at TEMPLE AGENCY (super exclusive, to be announced soon)

You’re changing the game one word at a time, how’d you become HYPE Magazine’s editor?

It’s quite a simple story of how just reaching out can open doors. After my Matric year in 2010, I decided to take a gap year to find myself. Initially I wanted to study architecture (still do & will do soon) but the thought of it didn’t excite me that much anymore compared to when I was in high school. During that gap year I reconnected with one of my primary school best friends and we had so much in common after all these years of not communicating that it made sense why we were close in primary haha. Anyway, one of our interests was Hip-Hop culture and all the cool things that were a part of it. From the fashion, events and music, we were just obsessed with knowing what was going on. That sparked us to create a blog in 2012 called Temple Revolutions (one of TEMPLE AGENCY’s inspirations you see). The blog started when I was a first year student at Boston Media House. Every day we would rush over to some internet cafe in Hatfield and write about current Hip-Hop news and other cool things like sneakers, etc. As time progressed, people started noticing the blog and we started to get more confident in what we were doing, which led to us being more experimental and going out to Hip-Hop events, documenting them and just drowning within the creative atmospheres. I call those days our “studying” days because we were studying the game.

I remember we attended our first Back To The City festival event also in 2012, by then I had grown a taste for writing which helped with my studies, at that BTTC festival, I remember us standing in a long que waiting to get in and I noticed that they were handing out free HYPE Magazines. I took one of course and started going through its content. There were also some other Hip-Hop platforms at the festival and even though they didn’t compare to HYPE, I was still intrigued by them. I approached one guy that was a writer for one of the other Hip-Hop magazines, I won’t mention the name of the magazine as I don’t want to seem like I’m dissing it. I approached the guy and he gave me the editor of that magazine’s email address, that same night I sent an email to the editor asking to be a part of it. He replied once, I replied to his reply and after that never heard from him again. That disappointment was the tipping point that encouraged me to approach HYPE because initially I thought that the biggest Hip-Hop magazine in Africa wouldn’t have time for a young hungry kid like me. Simone Harris was the editor at the time, and I reached out to her. She replied and I responded to her without high hopes for things moving forward but Simone hit me up again. So, before I sent emails through to editors, I would always have about three articles I wrote to submit so they could review my writing skills. I sent Simone about three articles I had written at the time, she liked them and asked me if I would love to contribute to the HYPE website and I said hell yeah! Oh, I also had an article published on XXL’s website about South African Hip-Hop that gave me some credit. Also had HYPEBEAST connects but that’s a different story.

Four years later, I graduated. While at home chilling, frustrated because Simone had moved on from HYPE around that time and I didn’t know if that meant my time with HYPE had ended. Keep in mind I wasn’t getting paid or anything, but I truly felt blessed and cool for having been given the opportunity. Fred Kayembe was the new editor and we weren’t that close at the time. I think I only met him once at some HYPE event before Simone’s departure. I was in Venda getting my driver’s licence when I got a call from Fred who said that he loved my work and wanted me to come work with him. The timing of everything was perfect because when he called, I has just passed my driving test and then I got my first car, which helped with getting to the office on time. For a year I was Fred’s assistant, then in 2016 he moved on from HYPE to do crazier things and I took over. I probably skipped some parts because  it’s a long story.

What’s the vision for 2019?

The vision for 2019 is to really celebrate the future superstars within the music industry. Personally, I want to expand HYPE’s influence on the other genres too that are also still part of our community. Also have a vision to create more interactive experiences, collaborations and higher quality content. Its going to be a crazy year.

Hip-Hop, define it in your own words…

Hip-Hop is God’s gift to the world. Those are my words. This culture has changed so many lives and continues to do so and grow.

Who’s quickly making their come up in the industry according to you?

You have a lot of young artists and unique artists coming up. The likes of ByLwansta, who was one of our first HYPE Freshman, he is really set on dominating. ByLwansta is also the first South African (and only) to have appeared on the famous COLORS platform, which is crazy. Then you have new wave artists such as The Big Hash, Lethabo Acid, Yuang, PatricKxxLee and so many more paving their way to the top. Other artists like Touchline, Luna Florentino, Kingsweetkid, King Lutendo and a whole lot more are working hard. Then you have our HYPE Freshman 2018 winners such as Rowlene, ASON, 3ple B, Tian and others I mentioned before gearing up for a takeover. I’ve also been keeping an eye on the alternative guys like Tron Pyre, Angie Santana, Una Rams, Espacio Dios and so many others who are special.

Music, Fashion or Alcohol, one’s gotta go lol.

Alcohol can go bruh…

What are you grateful for the most?

I’m grateful for the opportunities I’m constantly given to make a mark and super grateful for the support structures I have.

Favourite jam at the moment?

I currently have Mac Miller’s ‘Wings’ on repeat now. R.I.P

When you started, you never thought…?

Never thought I would be such an influential voice in South African Hip-Hop and get event invites from London, New York & Los Angeles. Crazy.

Who is Roo really?

Roo is a grown-ass Venda kid from Shayandima who over the years has grown in confidence, appreciates all that God has blessed him with and is destined for overwhelming great things. That’s Roo.


Follow Roo!

Instagram: @_rooat

Twitter: @Roo_AT

Facebook: Rudzani Khorro Netshiheni


-Bridgette Makhela