Kelly Khumalo On Her New Single ‘Empini’, The Industry And Other Exciting Projects

Miss Kelly Khumalo / 35 / Singer, Actress, Dancer

Your latest single, Empini, what’s the message behind it?

Conquer everything that is set to destroy you.

You have a great music catalogue, which album would you say is your best one so far?


Why did you choose music?

I chose music because it speaks to my soul.

What do you feel when you sing?


What would you change about the industry?

Recognizing the true gifts instead of gimmicks.

Funniest moment of your career?

Falling on stage and pretending it was part of the choreography piece.

One thing your fans still don’t know about you?

I’m very shy, hence I have the character/alter ego ‘Barbra’ on social media under my #ControversyCornerWithBarbra.

What have you learnt about yourself this year?

I have learnt that I am powerful and gifted than I give myself credit for.

Any projects you have planned you’d like to share?

My reality show, ‘Life With Kelly Khumalo’, my gin, ‘Controversy Gin’ and my upcoming album, ‘The Voice Of Africa’.


Follow Kelly Khumalo!

Instagram: @kellykhumaloza

Twitter: @KellyKhumaloZA


-Bridgette Makhela

Doowap & Tarryn On New Single Thunda Thighs, Collaborations And Performing

Khetsiwe “Doowap” Morgan / 30 / Live Mix DJ & Performer

Tarryn “TNT” Alberts / 29 / Artist, Dancer & Business Owner

You guys recently released a banger of an Amapiano song called ‘Thunda Thighs’, how did the concept come about?

Tarryn and I had been listening to a lot of Amapiano in 2019 and we started creating choreography routines to some of the tracks to perform during my DJ sets. Then end of 2019, Tarryn had the hook “Mmmm aaaahhh mmmm aaahhhh Thunda Thunda” stuck in her head and around that time we had just met the young producer DJ Nel (now going by the name DJ Nelcee) at one of our shows in Limpopo. I spoke to Nel and got him to send through some of his beats for us to vibe to. We both fell in love with the power and energy of the Thunda Thighs beat and we made the song that same day, all that was left was for it to be mixed and mastered.

How and when did you two start collaborating?

I have always admired Tarryn as a dancer, already back in 2014. Then in 2017 I asked her to help me out with creating a show and adding dance as a new element. Our first ever gig performing together was at Budweiser’s first show in South Africa. We then did Afropunk Jozi and Afropunk Brooklyn, New York together. The transition to making music together was a natural and gradual progression.

Music and Dance are what you guys represent on another level, what do you think the South African industry has done right when it comes to these two entities?

Music and dance is in South Africans’/Africans’ blood. We dance and sing when we happy or sad. There’s always been spaces and platforms for both crafts to shine. I will say though that dancers are not treated with the respect they deserve. The amount of hours they put in to help bring an artist’s show to life is immense. They are often overlooked in terms of budget and attention deserved, but still they deliver over and above to bring a show to life. We need more community centres in underdeveloped areas to give children and young adults an alternative to the harsh circumstances they grow up in. Tarryn started a dance centre called “So Dope”, where she teaches classes and is grooming the next generation of dancers. Hopefully we can have more mentors, leaders and spaces created to nurture and cultivate young talented individuals in all forms of artistry.

Where do you guys keep getting inspiration from?

We are both super inspired and motivated by our country and the driven youth that inhibit it. Connecting with young artists at all ours shows, spending time with like-minded creatives in Braamfontein and each city we visit sparks us and ignites our fire. Travelling is always the biggest inspiration, hopping on a plane and landing in a completely different country with their own culture and views is always a refreshing mind shift and opportunity to learn and engage with other parts of ourselves.

Travel is a major part of your lives, how do you plan your schedules around this?

The traveling is part of the work, I try and organize gigs at the places I would like to visit. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to get opportunities that fly us out of the country and give us time to explore it. Tarryn was fortunate enough to do multiple world tours with a well known group.

Once the lockdown’s done, where can fans look forward to seeing your performances?

Wow the future of music is so uncertain. We are not really thinking about shows at the moment as they keep getting cancelled, the main focus is to keep making music and to keep creating. We are also figuring out new and interesting ways of making money in this industry during this weird climate. If you would like to catch us doing our thing and shining then for now it seems it’s going to have to be virtually through Lives and social media.

Any music video for Thunda Thighs in the pipeline?

We would love a video for Thunda Thighs and have the treatment mapped out but the lockdown has put everything on hold. Hopefully something will come out soon.

The one thing you always do before a performance?

We always do warm ups, some abs and core workout, run through the choreography and stretch. The main thing is to loosen up and get our energy levels up.

Any exciting projects still to come from you two?

At the moment we are just focused on making the music video, keeping fit and finding the direction we want the music to go. We are grateful to have this chance to work on ourselves without the pressure of the outside world at the moment.

Advice for aspiring young females that look up to you?

Advice is do whatever you have to do to keep your star shining. Even if it means sometimes you have to be selfish with your time and the people you want to be around. Work on your passion daily, even on the days you are feeling off, just keep moving forward.

Follow Doowap & Tarryn!

Instagram: @djdoowap / @tarryn_tnt

Twitter: @DJ_Doowap

Facebook: @DjDoowap / @tarryntnt


-Bridgette Makhela 

Twitter Interview With Hungani Ndlovu


If you missed the #Twitterview with Hungani Ndlovu, no worries, just go through the #BKoolMedia Twitter timeline (BKool_Media) to catch up with all that went down!

Follow Hungani!

Instagram: @hunganindlovu

Twitter: @HunganiNdlovu

Facebook: Hungani Ndlovu


Bridgette Makhela

Sne Mbatha On Her Passion For Dance And Making Major Moves In The Industry

Snenhlanhla Sne Mbatha / 25 / Choreographer, Dancer, Actress & Creative Director
How did you get into the industry?
I have always been a street dancer, but the day I made my debut on television my life changed forever. I went to a dance school, Dance Direction International to expand my knowledge in dance. From there I moved to the City of Gold to pursue my dream.
You are passionate about dance and it shows through your work, when was the love for dance ignited?
By the time I got to college, sitting in class without a uniform meant I’d be driving myself up the wall in an office environment for the rest of my life! I had to make a decision. Fortunately I got my first proper paying gig which made it easier to convince my mother. It was a question of “Do you want to pay my college fees for the next three years and not be guaranteed a job, or do I make this paper now whilst living my dream and changing lives?!” I never looked back after that day!
Any big shows you can mention that you choreographed?
Wow, there’s quiet a lot! The MAMAs 2015 & 2016, SAMAs, Metro FM Awards 2015 & 2016, Travis Scott, Kanye West, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, The Movie Music Festival, Fill Up The Dome (assistant choreographer), Glo CAF in Nigeria, Yvonne Chaka Chaka in Tanzania (GOALS!!!), etc.
People only see the finished product on stage, how much work goes into what you do on a daily basis?
A whole lot! We just never have enough time. One moment it’s 8am, the next you’re walking out of a studio and it’s past 11pm (good luck to my future hubby, lol). We deal with impressing the client and artist, training our artists, creative directing, music, lights, costumes, keeping our bodies intact because injuries happen (we get sick ALL the time), castings in between work and training our own dancers, it just never ends. I’m just grateful for the people I work with. It’s been pretty balanced. It’s a crazy life that every creative is in a deep relationship with.
That one thing you always do before going on stage?
PRAY! You never do it alone. It’s by God’s will! Before you show off what He’s blessed you with, you gotta give thanks! You can miss a warm up and everything, but not Prayer!
Complete this: I would never trade _________ for anything!
“… my life and it’s ups and downs..” because it got me to where I am today.
How’s your fitness schedule like?
I can freely say it used to be bad but I’m getting there. I don’t eat the healthiest but I’ve gotten into a ‘drinking as much water as I can’ habit. Grateful for my partner, he’s my biggest gym motivation, so now I do those early morning gym sessions. I also do Yoga to keep myself supple, gyming a lot can make your muscles tight, so I have to keep it well balanced. I also don’t have much of a choice because I have a permanent spinal injury so I have to keep training my core and back muscles.
Being approached by big campaigns such as Nike, does that make you feel that your work is being recognized?
My girl Tarryn is the one that’s always on the lookout for me there. It’s always a huge thing for me. These are brands that I grew up struggling to buy, but being put in a position to represent the brand is an honour. I’m also a Puma girl.
What do you think South African dance still needs to get to the next level?
We need to be educated about the business in dance. One of the reasons why society and the rest don’t take us seriously is because some of us still struggle to operate the business itself. Once we get that on the go, I’m sure things will change. 2018 is gonna be my year for that!
Your favourite South African song right now?
Yoh! South African artists are eating fire these days. Newcomers, upcoming artists, legends, err’body! Everyone is so lit that I don’t have a specific song but DJ Maphorisa’s Qhom album is LIT, Shane Eagle also DID THE DAMN THING, Phantom, Costa Titch, Benny_Chill, Mr All Of It are some of the artists to be on the lookout for! Priddy Ugly, 2018 neh! OK! Bruh there’s A LOT mate.
Who is/are your biggest cheerleader/s?
My family, my man and my supporters.
What’s your go-to form of meditation?
YOGA! I play slow music and listen to my body. If I was back home I’d be at the beach but shame Jozi thle, so I hit the mountain. No one ever knows when I go there.
Think 2018 has your name on it already?
Hmmm, kindly ask the Almighty! I’m already cooking! I just feel sorry for those who thought it’s over for me.
Follow Sne!
Instagram: @iam_snembatha
Facebook: I AM SNE Mbatha
Bridgette Makhela

Get To Know Sne Mbatha…

Sne Mbatha, 23
Professional dancer, choreographer and upcoming actress

Dance is your life, tell me why?         

I’ve made the biggest sacrifices for dance; it saved me from a lot of things. Dancing got me through a lot in life. I appreciate this talent that God has given me…somehow people seem to understand me better when I dance, without dance I don’t see myself doing much in life. Dance has made me the person I am today and I still have a long way to go.


How and when did you get into the South African dance scene?     

Yoh! I’ve been dancing since I don’t know when dance decided to enter my system. I did two Television competitions, Wimpy Beat and my favourite, So You Think You Can Dance (Top 8 finalist). From then on I received a lot of calls in Gauteng so I decided to move here in 2013. I have had contacts from both commercial and theatre side…I’m truly blessed. I have had opportunities to work with amazing choreographers and also to choreograph some of the biggest concerts and award ceremonies in the country.

Are you part of a dance crew?  

Yes I am, Freeze Frame dance crew.

I’ve spotted your talent on most SA Hip-Hop & House music videos, how do you get to be chosen to be a dancer on a music video?     

I meet artists and directors in different places so networking has been my biggest saviour in this industry. It has always been a thing of me making sure I leave them more than happy with my work so I can be referenced more. I push myself to be recognized because being on TV for one show doesn’t make you the best thing ever; it’s about the after effect. Treat everyone around you the same, from the make-up artist, to the cleaner, the lighting guy, to the director…First impressions count! When I stand in front of that camera, it is no longer only about the people around me at that moment, but the people watching at home!


How do you balance things in your busy life?      

I have an injury that can never go away unless I do an operation so I always have to make time to see a chiropractor, get to rehearsals, do gigs, have meetings, etc. I have a lot on my hands but I can handle it, I always find ways to make it work…I don’t know how.

Give me a pro and a con about dance  

The pros are getting to travel and doing what you love. You grow as an artist and get to work with some amazingly talented people; you get to be part of history.
Cons, man the biggest battle almost every dancer is fighting: finances, respect, unity and consistency. You always have to stay fresh in this industry because it is easy for anyone to replace you, you have to stay hungry. The sacrifices dancers make are actually shocking! The things we do for success neh…


Music obviously plays a major role in a dance routine; give me your favourite SA Hip-Hop track out right now  

Oooooh I’m in love with Riky Rick- Fuseg, Breeze- FENDA, Cassper Nyovest featuring The Game – Cooking In The Kitchen & Turn Up, Wtf – all their tracks, Dj Switch featuring Nasty C, Tumi & Youngsta- Way It Go and an upcoming artist named Phantom Steeze – Skipa Saka Jo, Hooray and Losing My Mind…You’ll know him soon.

What exciting dance competitions/projects have you been involved in so far?               

I choreographed for the MTV BASE AFRICAN MUSIC AWARDS, Kanye West concert, Miller BoomTown Kendrick Lamar tour, I almost choreographed for Ne-yo but there was a situation with that, lol. Miller SAB, Castle Lite, I also choreographed and danced for Cassper Nyovest at #FillUpTheDome. I recently worked with Lee-ché Janecke (Vintage Cru) on Idols Season 11. I traveled with Freeze Frame dance crew to represent the country at the world champs in San Diego – Hip Hop International. I’m also in a Dance movie called Pop Lock ‘n Roll, I’m in the main crew there, super excited! It comes out this year. Keep your eyes and ears open!!!

Is there longevity in the dance industry to choose it as a career path?    

Yes there is, It all depends on how hard you work and if you are ready to truly bend over backwards to get there. Your level of faith and commitment must be on a 100!


What traits do you believe make a good dancer?          

Workaholic, fresh, be creative, be consistent, be a people’s person, be humble and always be open to learning new things because our industry is forever evolving. Work hard but work smart.

Give aspiring dancers some advice about choosing dance

Be ready to work, never give up! Push harder when people stop believing in you. It is not going to be a walk in the park; you have to keep your head up. The whole world will fall on you but you got to get up, dust your shoulders and continue running. Tomorrow is still another day but live today like you’ve only got one shot to do this! It’s not a joke, it’s your life!


Follow Sne!



Facebook: Sne Happyfeet Mbatha

Bridgette Makhela