John Amos On His Exceptional Career, Loving Africa And Upcoming Projects

John Amos / American Actor, Director, Author & Philanthropist

After so many years in the industry and an amazing career, how do you still keep going?

What keeps me going is that there are still so many good stories to tell. I always read my scripts first to see what kind of story I will be telling, all my work has to be of substance and mean something.

Your son KC works closely with you, could you share information on the Kicking It with Pops project?

Kicking It with Pops is a project from my son KC’s point of view about my life so far. He sheds light on the amazing career I’ve had, my travels, my experience in sports, my childhood as well as experiences until now. There’ll also be appearances from some of my close friends such as Jamie Foxx and Anthony Anderson, it’s truly set to be entertaining.

What do you think actors should take into important consideration in today’s filmmaking age?

They should take advantage of technological advances. Actors such as myself did not have such growing up. They have a distinct advantage in carving their future and they should use whatever they can to grab those special moments that they see playing out right in front of them.

How has Hollywood shown you the divide between black actors compared to other races?

That’s stuff from so long ago, I’d rather not look back to 40/50 years ago. Right now I see filmmakers of all races and genders who are doing amazing things and it’s great to watch.

How do you keep focused to your character on set as you shoot?

The best way to keep focused for me is through eating some good home-cooked meals, haha. When we shot Coming 2 America recently in Atlanta at The Tyler Perry Studios, and it was always a bit chilly so I’d enjoy the tasty warm meals on set and just keep going.

You’ve mainly played positive black fathers in your roles, what does that mean to you?

Playing positive black fathers creates a balance for all the other negative roles and bad imagery that’s been out there, it means a lot to me. On the other side of this, I urge that young black men stay safe out there and always be respectful, everybody wants to go home at the end of the day.

Your favourite work so far?

One is the biopic my son KC is currently creating as director, the second would be Halley’s Comet, I love the entertainment value and educational value in it. There’s also Kicking It with Pops, we’ve got some great content coming that will keep the viewers entertained.

What would you like to say to South African filmmakers?

The future of filmmaking lies in Africa and South Africa is doing amazing work, some wonderful stories about your heroes and heroines are being brought to viewers all over the world. We’ve also all still got a lot of traveling to do, it’s eye-opening and it’s inspiring.

Follow John Amos!

Instagram: officialjohnamos

Twitter: @therealjohnamos

Facebook: @officialjohnamos

-Bridgette Makhela

Laduma Ngxokolo On MaXhosa Brand, Coming 2 America Movie And The Clothing Industry

Laduma Ngxokolo / Designer / MaXhosa Africa Brand Owner

Your brand MaXhosa Africa, what would you say is its ex-factor?

The patterns, which is what makes it distinctive and recognizable by consumers. The quality too.

How long did it take you to get to where you are today?

This was always my life plan. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years now, since the start of the business, this was always the plan, and I just didn’t know it would get to where it is now, as quickly as it did.

Coming 2 America, how did the collaboration happen?

The costume designer Ruth E. Carter contacted me two years ago and told me she’d been following my work for some years and would love to collaborate with me. A month later, she contacted me again and told me she’s working on the Coming 2 America movie and would love to work with me. Of course I said yes. The movie is a classic and the work I’ve showcased will still live on even after my time.

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How does a typical day look for an international brand such as yours?

I wake up and get to work at 7AM every day, by then everyone is already at work when I arrive. All the departments usually have meetings the entire day and we make sure we’re always aligned.

As a business, what have you taken from the pandemic?

One of the lessons I learned is that saving is very important and knowing where you are positioned as a business in the industry. Human Resources is very valuable within a business and the sustainability of a business comes a lot from how the employees are treated.
What would you say South Africa is doing right in the clothing/textile industry?

The labour laws, we’re doing that right. Financial support from the government we’re doing right and a lot of designers are defining their own DNA and we’re standing out as a country.
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Ever get creative block or lack of inspiration?

I hardly ever get those…instead, I get too many ideas to produce so I have had to learn how to cut down and focus on certain things at a time. I still design everything myself but I’m training my team to assist with that.
Any collaborations you’d still like to take on?

Yes, more within the lifestyle space. Crockery brands, appliances brands, etc.
Any inspirational advice you’d like to give to people seeking to be in your industry?

Know what your purpose is. Whatever path you choose will determine your level of passion for it. Education plays a big role in knowing the industry you operate in. Work hard, that even beats talented people when they are not working hard enough.


Follow Laduma & MaXhosa!

Instagram: @laduma / @maxhosa

Twitter: @LadumaNgxokolo / @MaXhosaAfrica

Facebook: @LudaNgxokolo / @MAXHOSA


-Bridgette Makhela