NEWAGESTEEZE On Being The Future Of Entertainment Through All Forms Of Art

What’s NEWAGESTEEZE all about?
Newagesteeze is a group of young, talented, skilled and creative adults with a passion for all forms of art within the entertainment industry. Anything in the name of entertainment, we are your go to people!
How is NEWAGESTEEZE shaping the future of entertainment?
We are shaping the future of entertainment through the ability to offer all forms of art in one group/company. We are creating a brand that can flexibly work with or around any client/brand’s needs. It being: Dance & Choreography, Cinematography, Fashion, Music, Fitness Lifestyle Event Production, Graphics, Social Media Strategies etc, the list is endless…
How long has NEWAGESTEEZE been around for?
Newagesteeze has been around for three years. The members in it are very well known entertainers who came together from different backgrounds to create the perfect entertainment group.
As a group of individuals, how do you get your various talents to merge into one work of art?
Since Newagesteeze has various skills and talents in the entertainment industry,
It’s easy to form such a group because all of these different skills and talents that work hand in hand.
How many hours of rehearsal are put in before a performance?
We rehearse until we have it right, hours are never counted when creating a show for over 20 000 people.
Any shows you have performed at that stand out for you guys?
We had our own tour where Castle Lite featured us in their show traveling the country as Newagesteeze. Unlocking Extra Cold as the ‘Extra Cold Force’
Fill Up The Dome/Fill Up Orlando (Cassper Nyovest).
Are you a close knit group of friends?
Yes we are. It’s got to the point where we have become like family to each other.
How do you plan on making NEWAGESTEEZE a lasting brand and driving force?
By creating a legacy of entertainment that this country is missing, that will travel the world and fall on to our next generation. Real entertainment at it’s highest level and placing South African art on global/international stages.
Do you believe South Africa has room for growth and escalation when it comes to birthing entertainment groups such as NEWAGESTEEZE?
Yes it definitely does. Entertainment is needed everywhere and almost everyday. All forms of entertainment, it just needs to be packaged well.
How can you be reached for bookings? or
Instagram: @newagesteeze
Twitter: @NewAgeSteezeZA
Facebook: New Age Steeze
Bridgette Makhela

Xavier Steeze On Being An Entertainer And Maintaining Stage Presence

Sibusiso Xavier Lawrence Thwala / 23 / Freelance Entertainer of everything in the name of Arts


 When did you fall in love with dance?

I’ve always loved dancing and entertaining.

What does being an entertainer mean to you?

It means everything to me, I feel alive when I am on stage. I also love watching choreography or stage direction I have created on big stage productions.


What other avenues are you involved in?

I have just started my own cinematography company called #X_FRAMES. I am also doing a bit of photography and videography for some artists. I work with BlackWorks Media too, I host events at different clubs and festivals and also do brand activations for various brands.

How much time does it take to choreograph a routine for a performance?

It all depends on the time the choreography is needed, but there are cases where you have to create choreography on the spot.


How do you select the perfect song for a routine?

Well, you pick a song that best brings out the creativity out of you, or a song you know will move people.

How many years have you been in the entertainment industry?

I have officially been part of the entertainment industry for ten years. My first paying gig was at the age of 13.


How many South African music videos have you been featured in so far?

I really have lost count…but I can proudly say that I have done music videos for most of the prominent artists in South Africa and North Africa.

The biggest highlight of your career so far?

I have three:

1. Black Motion performance at the MTV MAMA AWARDS performance, choreographed by me. –>


3. Riky Rick’s performance at the SAMA22, choreographed by @PHANTOM_STEEZE



Follow Xavier Steeze!

Instagram: @xavier_steeze

Twitter: @Xaviera_Steeze

Facebook: Sibusiso Thwala Xavier


Bridgette Makhela