Thato Molamu On Shifting From The Screen To Business Ventures And More

Sehume Thato Molamu / 35 / CEO & Founder of Gateway Media, Social Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Marketing Brand Strategist, Film Director and Media Personality.

You’ve made a solid name for yourself, how has your journey been like?

Like most things in life, the journey has had its ups and downs. I was fortunate enough to have had a long and successful career in South Africa’s film, and television industry and too have been taught and mentored by some of the country’s best. I will always be grateful for the opportunities given to me and I look forward to the next phase of the journey.

Why the break from the screen to pursue business?

It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.  I made the decision after seeing the rapid growth of Gateway Media, which has in a short period, really made waves in the industry. So I think its only right that I step away from acting for while to give it my full attention. Also, while I’ve loved my time in front of camera lens,  I believe I can have a greater impact behind the scenes.  There’s so much more I can offer the industry and the African continent, and stepping away for a while will give me the space and time needed to really make a difference.

What’s the sole purpose of Gateway Media?

Quite simply, our core purpose is to tell authentic African stories and to help grow and develop Africa’s future storytellers. Through our flagship township-based Film & Digital Academy (LiMA), we help our clients tell original stories that resonate with audiences and inspire brand confidence. We believe that the world is ready for authentic African stories, and we’re developing the content creators that can tell them.

What’s your take on digital content creation in South Africa?

As you well know, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is well upon us. Digital content creation is where the world has been heading to for the last decade or so, and unfortunately, we’re still playing catch up to some of our counterparts. That said, the potential that exists within South Africa is immense. We have the talent and local expertise to become global players if we really work together and build an industry that up skills and supports our youth. That’s what Gateway Media is all about, giving access to those that traditionally, would have been excluded from participating in the digital revolution.

The pandemic has shifted the focus heavily on content, what ideas have you been sharing for engagement?

We were privileged enough to have had already launched Conrad TV prior to the pandemic. Conrad TV is a conversational radio-television platform that intuitively exploits the best of both worlds by integrating radio and television into a simultaneous, single audio-visual offering. The platform is doing well, and we expect to see more uptake in the viewer and listenership numbers in the coming months. Additionally, we’re prioritizing the development of original content that can live on various platforms, such as online shows, documentaries and TV series’. We quite excited about the future, watch this space!

What is the Thato Molamu Foundation all about?

The Thato Molamu Foundation is a non-profit organisation that I founded in 2012, with the goal of having a measurable impact in the lives of under-resourced South Africans through healthcare, education and creative industries. The foundation aims to transform the mindsets of people by unlocking the hidden talents and potential of youth through film, animation, gaming, coding and art and entrepreneurship capacity building programs within creative industries.

You also head up Leaders in Motion Academy, in what ways is it a first of its own?

The Leaders in Motion Academy (LiMA) is one of South Africa’s first digital creative skills academies and production hubs based in the township of Eersterust in Tshwane. Our mission is to normalize access to digital creative (technical) and business skills for township-based creative entrepreneurs and to connect them to markets in Africa and beyond.

How has the balance between acting and business blended into your lifestyle?

Acting will always have a space in my heart and my years of acting in theatre, television and working on radio nurtured my love for storytelling. It also introduced the world to Thato Molamu, for which I will always be eternally grateful. With this business venture, I am pioneering a new wave of digital marketing and content creation, one in which African storytellers will have a seat at the table and a stake in the game.

Where can people follow all your business ventures?

We are available on our website at, and people can connect with us on LinkedIn at Gateway Media ZA. For more work we do at LiMA, you can visit our website and our YouTube channel Lim Academy (don’t forget to subscribe).

Follow Thato Molamu!

Instagram: @thatomolamu

Twitter: @ThatoMolamu

Facebook: @ThMolamu


-Bridgette Makhela

Cyril Zuma On Photography, Founding iStockAfrica And His Dream For 2019

Cyril Zuma / 30 / Portrait, Lifestyle, Events & Wedding Photographer / Founder of iStockAfrica

You’re a young male photographer making moves, how has your journey 
been so far?
My journey in photography has been amazing, photography has helped me travel to parts of Africa I never thought I would see as a boy who grew up in Pietermaritzburg. I have been doing photography professionally for 4 years and only now I can truly call myself a photographer. Like any other field, it has its challenges that can be overcome with focus and consistency.

Where did the love for photography begin?
It began when my late mother bought me a photojournalism book for my birthday, it didn’t make sense until I bought my first camera and started practicing on family members and friends. Growing up in Pietermaritzburg I never had school photos or photos of myself as a toddler. That sparked a whole lot more interest in the field of photography.

How does a typical day look like for you?
First thing’s first, I pray then I respond to emails and check the news. Check up on the iStockAfrica team on what needs to be done for the day and week. If I am not on set, I am either somewhere pitching for new business or editing, which takes up most of my time.

What kind of photography style would you describe your work to be?
I started out as a street portrait photographer so my style stems from shooting a lot of strangers in the streets. I have since grown fond of lifestyle, event and wedding photography.

Biggest project you got to work on?
Every project is big and I treat it as such. There are so many elements that need to come together before, during and after a shoot that make it all nerve-wrecking and exciting. ‘Till this day I still get nervous before every shoot, thankfully I have a team that helps me prepare and stay ahead. It is worth mentioning that we were lucky enough to win the Flight Centre South Africa account to shoot stock images for a couple of their brands.

Ultimate photography job for you would be?
Geez, hahaha! I haven’t thought about it, however building iStockAfrica is my ultimate job at the moment. As a new player in stock imagery, there are a lot of things I am learning and discovering.

The one thing that separates you from other photographers in the 
industry is?
I struggle with this question, can we skip it hahaha! Being a “new comer” gives me the advantage to learn a lot from the guys I look up to and a lot of photographers are really scared to ask because it is an industry with a lot us working in silos. I am not afraid to ask questions if I do not know, nor do I limit myself to one certain style of photography. If it is cool and I vibe with it, then I will learn about it and implement it.

What’s your dream for 2019?
The dream is having the ultimate dream team at iStockAfrica. One of my personal goals is shooting a magazine cover, it eluded me last year, somehow I have a feeling it is coming this year.

Where and how can people contact you for your services?
Instagram: cyrilzuma
Twitter: @cyrilzuma


Follow Cyril!

Instagram: @cyrilzuma

Twitter: @cyrilzuma

Facebook: Cyril Mxolisi Zuma


Bridgette Makhela

Kim Jayde On Juggling All Her Titles, Her Trusted Mantra And Future Aspirations

Kimberley Jayde Robinson / 27 / MTV Base Africa TV Presenter / Model / Fashion & Travel Blogger 

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How was it like for you growing up in Zimbabwe then having to move to South Africa?

I loved growing up in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It was a small, safe town with a great sense of community. Cape Town, and now Johannesburg is the complete opposite! A fast-paced, big city with so much opportunity! It was definitely an adjustment moving here, but totally worth it for the career path that I am on right now.

You hold a few titles under your name, how does each title represent who you are?

Each title allows me to explore a different creative side of myself.  TV presenting allows me to work with people in entertainment, modelling allows me to take on various roles in TV commercials worldwide; from a Brazilian Samba dancer, to a Middle Eastern girl drinking Pepsi. The KimJayde blog allows me to travel and share beautiful places and experiences, as well as teach my followers about the fashion trends I’m loving at the moment. No two days are ever the same; that’s the beauty of wearing more than one career hat!

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Did you ever imagine that you would have achieved this much at this age?

To be honest, my mum always tells me “I never stop to think about how far I’ve come and how much I’ve achieved.” I have my eye on so much more that I want to do. I look at the top women in the industry and that drives me to work harder and push even more. I’m so grateful for where I am now but I’m so focused on where I’m going, so watch this space!

Is there a downside that comes with being in this industry?

It’s a competitive one for sure. Only a select few get the opportunity to even be on TV, and to be on a platform like MTV is huge! The pressure to maintain a certain image in the public eye is something I have never dealt with before. Also, in the public eye, you are expected to be happy everyday. Should I have an off day, or go through a break-up, or anything like that, I still have to go to work, stand in front of the camera and be happy. So there are pros and cons to the job.

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What’s your mantra to always stay focused?

“Dream big. Work Hard. Stay Humble.”

What’s the one item you can’t function without?

My cellphone.

Any other aspirations you dream of?

I am a qualified Social Worker (Honours Degree in Social Work from the University of Stellenbosch) and it’s in my ten-year plan to start my own non-profit organization that will empower women and children through skills, training and education.

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2017 in one word so far?


How do you manage to give all your titles 100% each time? 

MTV Base Africa is my full-time job, I am also lucky enough to be able to blog when I have the time and inspiration to do so. Pace yourself, that way you can give it your all to create a quality product.


Follow Kim!

Instagram: @kimjayde

Twitter: @KimJaydeBlog

Facebook: Kim Jayde


Bridgette Makhela


Katlego Maboe On Life Behind The Camera, Pet Peeves And What Brings Him Joy


Katlego Maboe / 29 / Multiple award winning TV host on the Expresso Breakfast Show & Strictly Come Dancing (Seasons 7 and 8) on SABC3

What kind of a guy is Katlego?

Electrifying, energetic, ambitious, family oriented, fun-loving, serious, weird guy who loves life and all good things about it.

How did the entertainer bug bite you, was it always in your life plan?

My late uncle, Martin Maboe, was quite the entertainer and I would watch him, trying to imitate him in order to entertain friends and family. I enjoyed the spotlight, so much so that subconsciously I pursued every opportunity to display my talent. I don’t think that it was ever a life plan that I made but perhaps one that God made for me because life has always found a way of steering me back onto the path of music and entertainment.


Did you actually study for your chosen career path?

Not at all. I studied B. Com Chartered Accounting; quite far removed from the world I currently call my career.

How’s your typical day like?

No day is ever the same. The only constant is my call-time at Expresso and the time the show ends at 09h00. The rest of the day is spent training, preparing for the next day’s show and imminent corporate engagements all while growing my personal brand and leading by example.


What brings you joy?

The ability to use my God given talent everyday in whichever way possible to make the world a better place. Music is one of those things – it makes me feel closest to God.

Any pet peeves?

People that make it their life mission to take away from other people’s happiness.

That one thing you always do before the camera zooms in you?

Think of how I can make the person watching from home smile.


Would you ever retire?

God willing, no. I enjoy what I do so much, I wouldn’t mind doing it ’till my last day.

Cape Town or Jozi?

#CoZi – that’s Cape Town and Jozi. Both cities offer things I like. Jozi has that vibrant energy and ambitious spirit of youth chasing dreams while Cape Town oozes with serenity and a quality of life that is tough to beat. If they were one city, I’d be complete.

What or who do you do this for?

My mother. I owe her my life and all I do is to make her proud everyday.


Follow Katlego!

Instagram: @katlegomaboe

Twitter: @KatlegoMaboe

Facebook: Kaltego Maboe

*Photographer: Michael Le Grange


Bridgette Makhela