Nandipha Mqoco On Digital Entrepreneurship, MC’ing And Her Love For Fashion

Nandipha Mqoco / 24 / Digital Entrepreneur, Master of Ceremonies & Fashion Enthusiast

School Them: What’s a Digital Entrepreneur?

Someone who starts a business in the digital space. In my case it would be by means of content creation and endorsing products on my social media platforms.

Content Creation: What’s the process followers don’t know about?

A lot of planning and strategizing. Most of the content you see is curated but that process is where it gets fun, well most of the time.

New Year: What would you love to achieve in 2020?

Solidify existing brand relationships. Getting the opportunity to travel more for work as an MC and a Content Creator, collaborating with more international brands too. Being well on my way to achieving full financial independence.

Rewind: How did you get into the Digital and MC’ing space?

My digital career just happened to me. It definitely wasn’t intentional at all. I would post my outfits, places I would go to on my Instagram. My sisters and I would have impromptu shoots with street fashion photographers. In addition to that, my sister Yoliswa who had a bigger following, would also post me on her Instagram. Thereafter, my audience grew and brands started to take notice and the rest was history! My MC career was definitely intentional. I always had a passion for public speaking so it only made sense to turn my passion into a profit.

Fun Fact: Your sisters Yoliswa and Thobeka are also in the Social Media Influencer game, was this always the plan?

Not at all, we were just living our lives and sharing our love for fashion, beauty and lifestyle then BOOM!

Threads: You’re a very stylish girl, where’s the inspiration from?

Thank you so much! My relationship with fashion is VERY personal. I was surrounded by extremely stylish women (my mother and sisters) all my life. I would watch fashion TV all day, everyday. I drive my inspiration from many places. Thank God for the internet because it exposed me to amazing fashion from all across the globe, seeing how people interpret different styles and trends. London, Amsterdam, New York, Beijing, even good ol’ Cape Town right here in Mzansi. I really enjoy how the people dress there.

Brag a Bit: Biggest bag/s you’ve secured so far?

Revlon and Clinique have been the biggest bags for me.

Mzansi: Where do you enjoy spending your free time?

Get on a plane and fly to CAPE TOWN. For many reasons – my sister lives there, the food is amazing, the scenery is breathtaking. There’s just so much to do there! But if that isn’t possible then watching series, movies and documentaries in another favourite place of mine…MY BED, is a close second.

Wisdom: Some advice on how to stay relevant in the digital era?


Follow Back: Where can new fans catch you on all platforms?

Instagram: nandipha_mqoco / Twitter: @nan_deep / Facebook: Nandipha


Bridgette Makhela