Cyril Zuma On Photography, Founding iStockAfrica And His Dream For 2019

Cyril Zuma / 30 / Portrait, Lifestyle, Events & Wedding Photographer / Founder of iStockAfrica

You’re a young male photographer making moves, how has your journey 
been so far?
My journey in photography has been amazing, photography has helped me travel to parts of Africa I never thought I would see as a boy who grew up in Pietermaritzburg. I have been doing photography professionally for 4 years and only now I can truly call myself a photographer. Like any other field, it has its challenges that can be overcome with focus and consistency.

Where did the love for photography begin?
It began when my late mother bought me a photojournalism book for my birthday, it didn’t make sense until I bought my first camera and started practicing on family members and friends. Growing up in Pietermaritzburg I never had school photos or photos of myself as a toddler. That sparked a whole lot more interest in the field of photography.

How does a typical day look like for you?
First thing’s first, I pray then I respond to emails and check the news. Check up on the iStockAfrica team on what needs to be done for the day and week. If I am not on set, I am either somewhere pitching for new business or editing, which takes up most of my time.

What kind of photography style would you describe your work to be?
I started out as a street portrait photographer so my style stems from shooting a lot of strangers in the streets. I have since grown fond of lifestyle, event and wedding photography.

Biggest project you got to work on?
Every project is big and I treat it as such. There are so many elements that need to come together before, during and after a shoot that make it all nerve-wrecking and exciting. ‘Till this day I still get nervous before every shoot, thankfully I have a team that helps me prepare and stay ahead. It is worth mentioning that we were lucky enough to win the Flight Centre South Africa account to shoot stock images for a couple of their brands.

Ultimate photography job for you would be?
Geez, hahaha! I haven’t thought about it, however building iStockAfrica is my ultimate job at the moment. As a new player in stock imagery, there are a lot of things I am learning and discovering.

The one thing that separates you from other photographers in the 
industry is?
I struggle with this question, can we skip it hahaha! Being a “new comer” gives me the advantage to learn a lot from the guys I look up to and a lot of photographers are really scared to ask because it is an industry with a lot us working in silos. I am not afraid to ask questions if I do not know, nor do I limit myself to one certain style of photography. If it is cool and I vibe with it, then I will learn about it and implement it.

What’s your dream for 2019?
The dream is having the ultimate dream team at iStockAfrica. One of my personal goals is shooting a magazine cover, it eluded me last year, somehow I have a feeling it is coming this year.

Where and how can people contact you for your services?
Instagram: cyrilzuma
Twitter: @cyrilzuma


Follow Cyril!

Instagram: @cyrilzuma

Twitter: @cyrilzuma

Facebook: Cyril Mxolisi Zuma


Bridgette Makhela