Ginger Trill On Music, Relevance And Always Staying Focused

Tshegofatso Seroalo aka Ginger Trill / 30 / Musician

The Ginger Trill story, where did it all begin?

The Ginger Trill story began long ago, probably back in Potchefstroom before I was called Trill. My friends and I had been making music and cutting demos since high school. I always knew I loved music but it wasn’t until I turned 22 that I knew that I wanted pursue a career in music. 

The come up and remaining relevant, what are your thoughts?

My come up was different and I think no two come-ups are the same really, I’m from the school of the hard knocks. So many failures, mistakes and lessons that helped me grow, not only as an artist, but as a person as well. Seven years since I released my debut album and I’ve learned that relevance is almost like having a “buzz”…it’s all about what you do with the traction you gain.

South African Hip-Hop is hella right now, agree? What are your reasons?

Agreed, the local Hip-Hop scene is lit right now. I think the cycle before this generation had a lot to do with the shift, we’ve never had a scene so full of young independent artists making so much bank off of Rap music, EVER! Thanks to the arrival of prodigies like Nasty C & A-Reece, the industry is opening up.

As an artist that expresses themselves through words and beats, where do you plug in inspiration from?

I draw my inspiration from the music I bump into mostly, and the things I read, the conversations I have, even the shows I watch on TV or on the net, anything that stimulates my mind really. 

How would you describe your music in one word?


Any new material you’re yet to release this year?

Finishing my work on “Tales of the High & Mighty”, a joint tape with myself and Top Goggs from Dizzy Monks. 

Have a favourite track to date that you’ve released?

Too many to mention, and I think they switch every season or year, but right now? I’d say #Money is my favourite song by myself, that record is HARD. 

The plan is to never give up right? What keeps you focused and going?

What keeps me going is purpose, and my family, they are the people I draw my strength and motivation from and of course, my Lord and Saviour.

Where can fans keep in touch with you?  

Fans can catch me on social media.

Instagram: @Ginger_Trill Twitter: @Ginger_Trill Facebook: @Gingertrilly and for music 


Bridgette Makhela

All Praise To The Ghost: Sabelo Ncube On New Single ‘Ncube’ And Being An All-Round Artist

Sabelo Ncube / 31 / Musician, Performing Artist, Songwriter, Composer & Producer

You’ve just recently released your new single titled ‘Ncube’, how’s the response so far?
The response has been great, people have been waiting for this to drop so it’s a relief to see it so well received.

Any inspiration behind Ncube?

I am Ncube, so it’s inspired by my character, heritage and my family. I am a proud South African and I wanted that to resonate through this song.

When did you find your way into the rap game?

I started rapping in primary school and have been writing songs since I was 8. But I can say I’ve dedicated the past 5 years of my life solely to music.

As an artist, how do you put your body of work together and who would you like it to speak to?

Well music is vast and there are many genres. I like to capture an idea first and then break down all the things that make the idea what it is. So I do a lot of research, coupled with introspection and hope that somewhere in the balance, people will relate to the sound. I genuinely hope that my work speaks to anyone who loves music.

Why the name Ghost?

The name was given to me by my friends because I lived between Port Elizabth and Johannesburg and would sporadically appear and vanish on any given weekend. They started calling me “Los the lost Ghost from the East Coast and the West Coast”, clearly this wouldn’t work as a rap alias, so I shortened it to Ghost.

Have a specific favourite track from all the music you’ve released so far?

Hands down has to be my latest single Ncube.

Something people don’t know about you?

Lol. I’m not into clubs and crowds. I know, it’s weird for an artist.

Studio or live perfomances? Have a preference or are you in tune with both?

I absolutely love to create. That’s my zone. I’ve always said that I’m a studio artist because of my ability to relax and deliver on ANY mandate. But once that’s done, there’s nothing that beats the exhilaration of standing in front of  audiences and showcasing my art. So both. Haha.

The game plan for Ghost and music going forward?

To put it basically, The plan is to expose the world to an authentic South African artist, with a no-nonsense attitude to creating great music.

Follow Ghost!
Instagram: @papa.ghost
Facebook: Ghosty Ncube
Music Download Links:
Bridgette Makhela

Tellaman On His New Single, South African Artists And His Dream For 2017

Thelumusa Samuel Owen aka Tellaman / 25 / Singer, Songwriter & Producer


When can you say you made a recognizable mark in the music industry?

2016 was the year for me. A lot of people started recognizing Tellaman as a musician then. I released a mixtape titled ‘Mind vs Heart’ and I was featured on Dj Speedsta’s hit single titled ‘Mayo’, which was one of the biggest songs of 2016. I was also a part of the most anticipated album of 2016 titled ‘Bad Hair’ by Nasty C.

Was this always the path you wanted in life?

No it was not. I had other interests when I was younger, such as playing soccer. I was introduced to music by a friend who was making beats, I used to watch him work all the time. I then started making beats as well; eventually I realized my love for making music. I then decided to pursue it as a career.

Why the name Tellaman?

Tellaman is a nickname that was given to me by my friends, it comes from my real name Thelumusa. I decided to stick with it because a lot of people know it and it carries so many memories.


Your new single ‘Dandy’, how is it being received so far?

The response has been really amazing, I can’t even put it into words. I really appreciate the love and support my people are giving me, I am grateful.

Do you have a favourite project that you’ve worked on so far?

Yes, ‘Lucid Dream’ is my favourite project so far. I think I have grown as a musician and that’s always been the motive.

Your dream for 2017?

To see my family and I doing great, and that is not just my dream for this year; it’s just my all-time dream.

What’s the one thing you wish you could change about South African artists?

I wish we’d stop releasing bad quality music. Mixing and mastering is as good as making the song.


Music or Money?

Music, because when you make good music, the money follows.

Any more dope music from you coming soon?

Yes! New collaborations are coming soon. I really cannot wait for you guys to hear it.


Follow Tellaman!

Instagram: @real_tellaman

Twitter: @Real_Tellaman

Facebook: Real Tellaman


Bridgette Makhela