Tino Chinyani On The Modelling Industry And Opportunities It Has Brought His Way

Tinotenda Chinyani / 23 / TV Presenter / Model / Actor

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How did you get your break into the industry?

A friend of mine, Donald, suggested that I try out modelling. I then did a photo shoot, then got signed to Boss Models…the rest is history!

Has modelling always been in the cards for you?

I didn’t always want to be a model, instead I always wanted to be an athlete. Basketball was always the sport I wanted to play. My first year at varsity I got signed to a modelling agency and that’s when the journey began.

You’re the main guy in Thabsie’s new music video ‘African Queen’ featuring JR, did you have to audition for the role?

No I didn’t, they called me, having seen me on the Channel O Top 5 show. They contacted me the day before the shoot and invited me to go to Mpumalanga and shoot the music video.

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All the titles that you hold, how do you find some balance?

Finding balance requires knowing when to say no because it’s very easy to get burnt out. You have to value your own time and take some time to rest.

What’s your typical day like?

Call time could be anytime between 08:30 or 09:30. You could be on your feet the whole day, you have to be smiling the whole time and getting the work done. I’ve never been a fan of sleeping anyway so as soon as the sun’s up I’m good to go.

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Would you say the industry you’re in is tough, and why?

The modelling industry is very blunt. Castings and auditions are very unapologetic when it comes to what they want. At the same time it’s also a beautiful industry when it comes to the places you travel to and the people you meet. It’s also tricky when it comes to getting booked, payment could sometimes take from 30 to 90 days. Clients you deal with are also different compared to agencies. You can get taken advantage of if you’re not careful, you have to be very woke. You may look up to big names in the industry, but when you actually get to work with them, it turns out to be something very different. I am very thankful that I’m still young and doing what I love.

Who or what keeps you grounded?

My friends keep me grounded. I’m very personal with people who I keep in my space. My sister and mother also play a big role in keeping me grounded. I want people to see me years from now and still say that Tino has remained humble even after all the achievements, even if I was to take my career to an international level.

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Money or Fame?

Money, definitely not the fame. You need to be financially secure. Go get your money, you didn’t go through all the hard work for nothing.

That one thing you can’t function without?


You dress very well. How do you put an outfit together?

I love comfort, that is always key. I always ask myself “does it look good?” I’m not trying to be acknowledged for how I dress, but I’m also not trying to look terrible either. I always try to stand out within my simplicity.

How do you deal with all the attention?

People want you for who you are right now. The same people who were never even interested in you from way back. I evaluate it in the sense that no one really loves you out here, they only value you for what you do. There will always be distractions in whatever industry you’re in, I just try my best to always keep focused.

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2017’s almost done, any exciting plans for next year?

2017’s been a really eye-opening year. I started doing Television for the first time and also further learning about the reality of the modelling industry. I got to meet and work with amazing people, it’s still surreal. Coming into 2018, you’re gonna see a hungrier me, chasing that cheque and a lot of things to come. I like keeping people in suspense so watch this space!


Follow Tino!

Instagram: @tino_chinyani263

Twitter: Tino_Chinyani09

Facebook: Tinotenda Chinyani


Bridgette Makhela





Johannesburg (South Africa) – In the 90’s the Berea Courts, on the corner of Joe Slovo and Abel Road in Johannesburg, were the home ground for the country’s upcoming basketball talent. On 12 August 2017, international 3-on-3 basketball competition Red Bull Reign makes it’s way to those very courts to restore them to their former glory.

Red Bull Reign is the only basketball tournament with a cumulative scoring system as teams of three play against each other in rounds with the highest scoring team advancing to the next round. This system essentially makes the event an offence-focused tournament where “it’s all about getting buckets.”

The tournament started in the United States two years ago and is now a global sports phenomenon with participation from over 15 countries, including South Africa. The global finals will take place in Washington DC in the USA on the 15th/16th of September at the historic Barry Farms.

The Berea Courts, in the shadow of the iconic Ponte Apartments, will be prepped and primed not only for the event, but also as a leave-behind for the basketball community at large.


DATE: Saturday, 12 August 2017


PLACE: Ponte Basketball Court (Berea Park, Cnr Abel and Joe Slovo Drive, Johannesburg)


Distributed on behalf of Red Bull South Africa

Distributed by: Tutone Communications 

PR Contacts: Melanie Gia Ramjee   


+2784 682 3457 


Bridgette Makhela