Mihlali Ndamase On Content, Influencing And Beauty In The Digital Era

Mihlali Ndamase / 22 / Certified Makeup Artist, Brand Strategist, Beauty Content Curator & Co-Founder of Siyasizana Foundation

Content: What does this word mean to you?

Documenting and sharing what brings fulfillment to you.

In this era of social media, how did you become a Digital Entrepreneur?

As my brand grew, I started to understand it’s value and the value it brought to the brands I collaborated with, that’s when I decided to turn content curating into a business.

You’ve made a big name for yourself within the beauty space through your YouTube channel, has this always been your passion?

Yes it has, I started watching Beauty YouTubers at age of 15. I drew a lot of inspiration from them when I finally decided to start my channel.

What does it mean to you to hold an Influencer label?

Being an Influencer means to have the ability to influence the purchase decision of others because of one’s authority, knowledge, position and relationship with their audience. Being regarded as one is honestly such an honour, especially when you work on such platforms, it benefits your business immensely because brands are then able to trust you with their product.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is different, it honestly depends. Sometimes I wake up, go to the gym, come home and shower and begin filming or shooting content. Other days I have shoots in studio or outdoors, depending on who I am shooting for and what the style of the shoot is, then there are meetings in between. Some days are purely for relaxation and unwinding. I either spend them at home alone, or out with friends or family.

You’re the co-founder of Siyasizana Foundation, what is it all about?

Siyasizana Foundation is a non-profit organisation which was founded by myself and Dineo Nono in 2017. We focus on addressing various needs in society, our projects consist of assisting everyone. We have worked closely with Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra by throwing annual Christmas parties for the children, feeding them and supplying them with uniforms, clothes and blankets for the Winter season. We have also done baby drives (where we supply homes which house abandoned babies with food and clothing), pad drives, Winter clothing drives and book drives. We aim to grow and continue to empower men and women in our community and some day across South Africa.

Congratulations on winning the Cosmopolitan ‘Influencer of the Year Sparkle Award’, some advice to young ladies that look up to you?

Be very persistent in following your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise because your dreams are valid.

Pick one: Travel or Fashion?

Surely picking one should be illegal! I would have to go with travel.

Any exciting projects you’re working on for the rest of 2019?

More Masterclasses are to come, look out for ‘Beauty and The Beat’ in Durban, Cape Town and all over South Africa. I am also working on some exciting products and there is more growth and expansion to come for the Mihlali brand, I can’t give away too much so keep a lookout!


Follow Mihlali!

Instagram: @mihlalii_n

Twitter: @mihlalii_n

Facebook: @MihlaliiNdamase


-Bridgette Makhela

All Praise To The Ghost: Sabelo Ncube On New Single ‘Ncube’ And Being An All-Round Artist

Sabelo Ncube / 31 / Musician, Performing Artist, Songwriter, Composer & Producer

You’ve just recently released your new single titled ‘Ncube’, how’s the response so far?
The response has been great, people have been waiting for this to drop so it’s a relief to see it so well received.

Any inspiration behind Ncube?

I am Ncube, so it’s inspired by my character, heritage and my family. I am a proud South African and I wanted that to resonate through this song.

When did you find your way into the rap game?

I started rapping in primary school and have been writing songs since I was 8. But I can say I’ve dedicated the past 5 years of my life solely to music.

As an artist, how do you put your body of work together and who would you like it to speak to?

Well music is vast and there are many genres. I like to capture an idea first and then break down all the things that make the idea what it is. So I do a lot of research, coupled with introspection and hope that somewhere in the balance, people will relate to the sound. I genuinely hope that my work speaks to anyone who loves music.

Why the name Ghost?

The name was given to me by my friends because I lived between Port Elizabth and Johannesburg and would sporadically appear and vanish on any given weekend. They started calling me “Los the lost Ghost from the East Coast and the West Coast”, clearly this wouldn’t work as a rap alias, so I shortened it to Ghost.

Have a specific favourite track from all the music you’ve released so far?

Hands down has to be my latest single Ncube.

Something people don’t know about you?

Lol. I’m not into clubs and crowds. I know, it’s weird for an artist.

Studio or live perfomances? Have a preference or are you in tune with both?

I absolutely love to create. That’s my zone. I’ve always said that I’m a studio artist because of my ability to relax and deliver on ANY mandate. But once that’s done, there’s nothing that beats the exhilaration of standing in front of  audiences and showcasing my art. So both. Haha.

The game plan for Ghost and music going forward?

To put it basically, The plan is to expose the world to an authentic South African artist, with a no-nonsense attitude to creating great music.

Follow Ghost!
Instagram: @papa.ghost
Facebook: Ghosty Ncube
Music Download Links:
Bridgette Makhela

Anatii On His Brand, Music And The ARTIIFACT Album


Anathi Bhongo Mnyango / 23 / Artist

When did you decide to bring the brand Anatii into the industry?

In 2010.

How has your journey in the music industry been so far?

I have been blessed with my journey so far, and I am proof that talent and hard work are a winning combination.


2016 has been an awesome year for you, already got plans for 2017?

Yes, without giving away too much, fans can expect more music both from me as an artist and as a producer, ARTIIFACT tour and some special surprises along the way.

You managed to bring US star Omarion on a South African Tour with you, how did that come about?

I was having dinner with him while in Los Angeles after our session, and I jokingly said “Why don’t you come out for the launch of my album?” He was like “Let’s do it!” The rest is history.

Any more future Anatii and Omarion collaborations to look forward to?

Nothing definitive yet, but Omarion and I have an open working relationship.


Your ARTIIFACT album has received so much love, is this how you expected things to turn out?

I never expect any of my work to be a “hit” right out the gate; I just do my best and ensure that the work is true to my vision and ability.

What gets you up and grinding every morning?

Life, there’s so much to be grateful for and so much I want to accomplish. So I know I have to push hard every day to get closer to achieving the goals I have for myself.

Your current favourite South African Hip-Hop song?

Besides myself, ‘Lifestyle’ ft. Gemini Major by Da L.E.S.


Who is the real Anatii?

What you see is what you get. I’m a spiritually conscious individual, who is always looking to better himself and those around me.

Follow Anatii!

Instagram: @anatii

Twitter: @ANATII

Facebook: Anatii

Bridgette Makhela