J’Something On Food, Music And Everything Else

Joao Da Fonseca / 28 / My job is a bit complicated – I like to sing and like to cook


First things first, you opening up your own restaurant is a major deal, how did this all come about?

There are certain opportunities in life that are too good to not take. Sun International is the reason why  I am in South Africa, fast forward my life and they offered me a restaurant. It’s an amazing opportunity to extend my passion in food, it’s also a tribute to my father and mother who both worked their entire lives in the food business.

How old where you when the foodie bug bit you?

The foodie bug really hit when I was 23. That’s when I really wanted to get more creative with my cooking.

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How do you juggle the music side of your career with the restaurant business?

Everything stems from doing what I love. When times are tough and I feel stretched out, it really helps doing what I love. Plus, I have an amazing team which really helps me to achieve my crazy dreams.

What does Mi Casa mean to you?

Mi Casa is what I dreamt of since I was 4 years old. Mi Casa is my dream come true!! Mi Casa is my family!


Yemi Alade features Mi Casa on her new single ‘Get Through This’, can we expect more collaborations with African artists?

Most certainly! Africa is our focus!

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It’s already May 2017, what do you believe the rest of the year holds for you?

Who really knows? The only thing I wish is to stay happy. We are working on more music as a band and I have a very busy year ahead from a good side of things.

That one habit you need to stop?

Losing golf balls on the course!

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Food or Friends?

Why do we need to pick? We need both!

You’re an inspiration to so many young South Africans, any closing words of advice you’d like to give away?

Work at becoming an inspiration to people. As a young person you should work at becoming an inspiration to somebody else.


Follow J’Something!

Instagram: @jsomething

Twitter: @jsomethingmusic

Facebook: J’Something

Bridgette Makhela

Ms Cosmo On New ‘Connect’ Single, Grinding, Setbacks And Vinyls

Nonqaba Rwaxa / 28 / DJ


Congratulations on your new single ‘Connect’, was it easy getting the featured names on it?

Yes, it was cool because I have a relationship with all the artists and they were keen to jump on my first single.

Ever considered releasing an entire album for your fans?

I have thought about it, but that will come in time, not this year.

How’s your 2017 looking like so far?

I’m excited for 2017, I’ve got a lot of plans. I’m touring the single, releasing the album and growing FunHouse as a brand and other projects too.


How does a typical day look like for Ms Cosmo?

There’s no typical day. I’ve got meetings and interviews on most mornings, depending on the agenda for the day. Then I’m on the Roger Goode Show at 4pm on 5FM, then gigs on the weekends.

How do you manage to juggle being a DJ, Radio, MC and Voice Over Artist?

I’ve got an amazing team and they keep me on my toes.

Favourite Hip-Hop track out right now?

Besides my own song, I’m loving ‘Lifestyle’ by Da L.E.S.


What keeps you grinding each day?

Money money money!!!

How do you handle setbacks in your industry of work?

I try to find the lesson within the mistake and do my best to grow from it.

Vinyls or Cassettes?

Vinyls, because I learned to DJ from vinyls and they represent the true art of DJ’ing.


Follow Ms Cosmo!

Instagram: @mscosmodj

Twitter: @MsCosmoDJ

Facebook: MsCosmo

Bridgette Makhela


Solo On His Sophomore Album, The Hip Hop Game And His Consistency Plan

Zothile Langa / 28 / Hip Hop Artist


Why Hip-Hop for you?

Hip hop is what I have put most of my practice into, my most effective form of expression.

How long have you been in the game?

I’ve been writing since I was in high school. My first project dropped back in 2010.

Your latest offering Dreams. B. Plenty, does it make you proud? How so?

Yes, my project makes me feel proud. I’ve put two years into it, there’s a lot of emotion.


Your favourite body of work in your career so far?

‘Jubilee no’ LigaMo’, which drops tomorrow, 26 August. It’s about my late grandmother and late cousin. It’s a song close to my heart.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I’m in the studio for eight hours, hit the gym at 5pm, then back to the studio at 10pm.

What’s your consistency plan to remain relevant in the music industry?

Be my authentic self. Listen to myself as I change and apply that to the music. Most importantly, stay true to the music.


Any one you look up to in the industry?

It would definitely have to be Kabelo Mabalane.

What would you still like to achieve?

Everything. I don’t think I have many achievements under my belt yet, I still want to make sure I complete the Dreams trilogy.

Your message to your fans?

I didn’t buckle under the pressure! I truly appreciate all their support over the years, without them I wouldn’t be here today.


Follow Solo!

Instagram: @thisissolo

Twitter: @ThisIsSoloSA

Facebook: This Is Solo


Bridgette Makhela