Twitter interview with Patty Monroe



If you missed it, go check out the Twitter interview on the #‎BKoolMedia‬ timeline –> @BKool_Media

Thank you for your time Miss Patty Monroe you killed it! Blessings upon ya!



Follow her!


Twitter: @MissPattyMonroe
Instagram: @MissPattyMonroe


Bridgette Makhela

Twitter Interview with Mbali Nkosi


If you missed it, go check out the Twitter interview with the stunning @mbali_nks–> @BKool_Media


Thank you for your time Mbali Nkosi Keep being great girl!


Follow her!



Bridgette Makhela

Twitter Interview with Liezel van der Westhuizen


If you missed it, go checkout the Twitter interview with Liezel van der Westhuizen (@liezelv) here-> @BKool_Media


Such an inspiration, thank you for your time Liezel, keep shining!



Bridgette Makhela

Get To Know Sne Mbatha…

Sne Mbatha, 23
Professional dancer, choreographer and upcoming actress

Dance is your life, tell me why?         

I’ve made the biggest sacrifices for dance; it saved me from a lot of things. Dancing got me through a lot in life. I appreciate this talent that God has given me…somehow people seem to understand me better when I dance, without dance I don’t see myself doing much in life. Dance has made me the person I am today and I still have a long way to go.


How and when did you get into the South African dance scene?     

Yoh! I’ve been dancing since I don’t know when dance decided to enter my system. I did two Television competitions, Wimpy Beat and my favourite, So You Think You Can Dance (Top 8 finalist). From then on I received a lot of calls in Gauteng so I decided to move here in 2013. I have had contacts from both commercial and theatre side…I’m truly blessed. I have had opportunities to work with amazing choreographers and also to choreograph some of the biggest concerts and award ceremonies in the country.

Are you part of a dance crew?  

Yes I am, Freeze Frame dance crew.

I’ve spotted your talent on most SA Hip-Hop & House music videos, how do you get to be chosen to be a dancer on a music video?     

I meet artists and directors in different places so networking has been my biggest saviour in this industry. It has always been a thing of me making sure I leave them more than happy with my work so I can be referenced more. I push myself to be recognized because being on TV for one show doesn’t make you the best thing ever; it’s about the after effect. Treat everyone around you the same, from the make-up artist, to the cleaner, the lighting guy, to the director…First impressions count! When I stand in front of that camera, it is no longer only about the people around me at that moment, but the people watching at home!


How do you balance things in your busy life?      

I have an injury that can never go away unless I do an operation so I always have to make time to see a chiropractor, get to rehearsals, do gigs, have meetings, etc. I have a lot on my hands but I can handle it, I always find ways to make it work…I don’t know how.

Give me a pro and a con about dance  

The pros are getting to travel and doing what you love. You grow as an artist and get to work with some amazingly talented people; you get to be part of history.
Cons, man the biggest battle almost every dancer is fighting: finances, respect, unity and consistency. You always have to stay fresh in this industry because it is easy for anyone to replace you, you have to stay hungry. The sacrifices dancers make are actually shocking! The things we do for success neh…


Music obviously plays a major role in a dance routine; give me your favourite SA Hip-Hop track out right now  

Oooooh I’m in love with Riky Rick- Fuseg, Breeze- FENDA, Cassper Nyovest featuring The Game – Cooking In The Kitchen & Turn Up, Wtf – all their tracks, Dj Switch featuring Nasty C, Tumi & Youngsta- Way It Go and an upcoming artist named Phantom Steeze – Skipa Saka Jo, Hooray and Losing My Mind…You’ll know him soon.

What exciting dance competitions/projects have you been involved in so far?               

I choreographed for the MTV BASE AFRICAN MUSIC AWARDS, Kanye West concert, Miller BoomTown Kendrick Lamar tour, I almost choreographed for Ne-yo but there was a situation with that, lol. Miller SAB, Castle Lite, I also choreographed and danced for Cassper Nyovest at #FillUpTheDome. I recently worked with Lee-ché Janecke (Vintage Cru) on Idols Season 11. I traveled with Freeze Frame dance crew to represent the country at the world champs in San Diego – Hip Hop International. I’m also in a Dance movie called Pop Lock ‘n Roll, I’m in the main crew there, super excited! It comes out this year. Keep your eyes and ears open!!!

Is there longevity in the dance industry to choose it as a career path?    

Yes there is, It all depends on how hard you work and if you are ready to truly bend over backwards to get there. Your level of faith and commitment must be on a 100!


What traits do you believe make a good dancer?          

Workaholic, fresh, be creative, be consistent, be a people’s person, be humble and always be open to learning new things because our industry is forever evolving. Work hard but work smart.

Give aspiring dancers some advice about choosing dance

Be ready to work, never give up! Push harder when people stop believing in you. It is not going to be a walk in the park; you have to keep your head up. The whole world will fall on you but you got to get up, dust your shoulders and continue running. Tomorrow is still another day but live today like you’ve only got one shot to do this! It’s not a joke, it’s your life!


Follow Sne!



Facebook: Sne Happyfeet Mbatha

Bridgette Makhela